Aquimenti, what a wonderful spell

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  • Dedicated to In Loving Memory of Patrick Mac

AN~ Hello! *waves* I am all better! Probably just come month old candy that my school bought cause we are POOR! Anyway hope you are enjoying the story! La la la la laaaaa...... sorry Those Voices from AVPS just pop'ed on.... SIRIUS! Sorry now he just poped on.... I didn't like the AVPS Sirius he was to Chubby and stuff... COMMENT!


"Choo choo!" Percy kept calling out randomly was they made their way to the Common Room. "Percy whats with the train noises? Its not like you to be" Ginny asked.

Everyone turned their heads to hear what Percy would say, for they to wondered.

"I hate being the stuck up Ministry Prick. I wana have fun in life! That's about the only good thing I learned at the Ministry of Magic." Percy answered. Just about everyone laughed at his answer, George just nodded his head in agreement. "Wait what about the train noises. I get that you wana have fun but I'm not understanding the Choo Choo sounds." Ginny asked Percy again.

"Oh Well, we're all kinda standing in two lines next to each other, and it reminded me of a train." He answered with a shrug.

George smiled a bit and started doing the train noises with him. Ginny just shook her head in a way that said 'Only in my family'.

~At the front of the train?~

After hearing about why Percy had the desire to ask like a train Mrs.Weasley turned her attention back to Lily. Molly noticed that Lily had paled a bit. "Lily whats wrong?" She asked.

"I know this is gonna sound stupid but... what if Harry doesn't like me?" Lily asked Molly, hoping that she would know the answer. "Harry has grown up around my family. He is like my seventh son. And with him growing up around us I have learned that, like Ginny said, all he ever wanted was his own family. Now that he has you back, well I don't think Harry will mind." Mrs.Weasley said with a small smile and a light tap on the shoulder.

Lily smiled "Thanks Molly." She then turned her head around to find that James and Sirius were talking about the pranks they had done over the years. And whenever they passed the sight of one of the pranks they would both exclaim "Remember that time......!" Lily noticed that whenever they mentioned Remus Professor McGonagall would get pale and get a sad look on her face, but would quickly push it off.

After a bit more walking they were standing in front of the Fat Lady, who was talking to her friend Violet.

The Fat Lady noticed that the group wanted to come in she started to swing open but she then noticed James and Lily.

"James? Lily? Sirius? DUMBOLDORE! Your back?" The Fat Lady said trying not to stutter. "Yes now may we please come in to see Harry?" Lily asked nicely. "Of course." The Fat Lady said and then opened up all the way.

~The Common Room~

McGonagall was the last to enter. AS soon as she stepped inside she silently cursed to herself, which went noticed my James and Sirius. "McGonagall did you just swear? I am truly shocked!" Prongs and Padfoot said at the same time.

"Yes now kindly back off." She said threw gritted teeth. James and Sirius were fimular with that look and took three big steps back. Sirius, from a safe distance asked "So what were you swearing about?"

"I dind't tell those two-" McGonagall pointed her thumb towards the portrait "Not to tell everyone about you four being back. And you know those two." McGonagall finished.

Molly looked around the Common Room and say that Ron and Hermione were sitting together on the couch. She smiled a bit. Glad that they had finally gotten together. She walked over to them a shook Hermione a bit, knowing that she couldn't wake Ron up without waking up the whole school.

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