Surprises are the Best(Pregnant! Laughing Jack x OC)

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(I am using Lupin again because I just love her.)

"Alright. I think we've done enough training for one night. Why don't you two go shower, get those wounds treated and then treat yourselves to some ice cream."

Another training session done and over with. Man, it always made me feel great. Angel and Olivia were getting better everyday and it made me proud to think that I was a reason. A cool breeze blew through the night sky, cooling my sweaty skin. I let the breeze blow through my hair and got lost in it. I got so lost in it that I jumped when a pair of arms wrapped around my waist.

"Easy, babe. It's just me."

"Jesus, Jeff. You almost gave me a heart attack."

"Sorry. I was just bringing Lucy over to you. I'm going out and I didn't want to leave her with Ben. He's starting to get a little upset because Toby keeps beating him somehow."

"Really? That's shocking, but thanks for bringing Lucy over. We both know she has a tendency to get into trouble when she's not being watched."

I looked down at my daughter who stood next to Jeff and smiled. "Hey, Lucy. How's my favorite girl?"

Lucy smiled. "Hello, Mommy!!!"

I picked Lucy up and kissed her on the cheek. Lucy giggled and wrapped her arms around my neck. Jeff watched with a smile on his face. I saw him and kissed him on the cheek.

"You'd better get going. I'm sure there are a few people who need to go to sleep."

"Yep. See you two later."

"Bye, Daddy!!!"

"You alright, baby girl? You look a little upset?"

Lucy shrugged as her brown wolf ears went down. "I was just thinking."

"About what?"

Lucy sighed before sitting up from her coloring. She looked at me, her ears twitching.

"I was thinking about siblings. I'm like the little sister to Sally, but I don't want to be a little sister."

I frowned, thinking Lucy was talking about being the youngest in the mansion. I pulled Lucy into my lap, careful not to crush her tail.

"Sweetie. There's nothing wrong with being the little sister."

"No. I don't mind being the little sister. I just don't wanna be the little sister anymore. I wanna be a big sister."

The realization of what Lucy was talking about made my eyes go wide. My ears went all the way back and my voice left me.

"Uh, um, Lucy..."

"I wanna be a big sister now. Do you think you and Daddy could make me a little brother or sister?"

"Um...I'm gonna have to talk to Daddy when he gets home. Uh, keep coloring. I have to go do something."

I left the room, my mind spinning. I went up to my room and was surprised to find my other boyfriend sitting on the bed.

"LJ? What are you doing in my room?"

"Hey, Lupin. I figured I'd sleep with you tonight...and I heard you and Lucy talking."

I hung my head as I shut the door. "I don't know what to do. Lucy wants a sibling and I'm not sure Jeff is ready to have another kid."

LJ looked at his hands and took a breath. "Maybe Jeff doesn't have to be the one to get pregnant again."

I got confused. "What are you talking about?"

LJ stood up and held out a stick for me to take. I took it, not knowing what it was at first. A closer look revealed it to be a pregnancy test...and it was positive.


He smiled a little. "Looks like Lucy will get a sibling after all."

I jumped up when the pieces fit in my mind and hugged LJ. He hugged me back and the moment was perfected when I pulled LJ in for a kiss.

"Now, let's go tell Lucy her wish will come true."

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