What Am I Supposed to Do?(Pregnant!Slenderman x Female!Reader)Part 1

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"Woah, (F/n). You look like hell."

(F/n) looked down at her ruined clothes. "Yeah? Well, this is what happens when you go against someone who just so happens to have a bottle of holy water. It sucks when hunters manage to teach people a few things before they leave."

Jeff chuckled as he went on his way. (F/n) rolled her (E/c) eyes as she headed up to her room. She treated her wounds and changed into a fresh pair of (F/c) shorts and a (F/n) shirt. She didn't bother putting her shoes or socks back on and left her room to go see her boyfriend.

"He should be in his office. Lupin said she was making dinner tonight, so that would give Slendy free time."

The door was closed like always, so (F/n) knocked lightly. "Slendy. It's me."

Soft sobbing could be heard from the other side of the door. (F/n) got a little worried and opened the door a crack. She saw her boyfriend at his desk with his head in his hands.


Slenderman looked up at his girlfriend, trying to wipe away tears that had fallen. He didn't want her to see him upset. It was too late though. (F/n) had seen him crying and was next to him.

"Slendy? What's wrong? Why are you crying?"

Slenderman wasn't sure how to tell (F/n) why he was crying. He looked at her and saw her worried (E/c) eyes. Every since he and (F/n) started dating, she always looked after him. She cared about him a lot and made sure he was happy. They never kept secrets, but now...Slenderman wasn't sure he wanted to tell (F/n) what was going.

"Slendy? Please tell me."

Slenderman sighed, knowing he was beat. Besides, it was either tell (F/n) now or have (F/n) go to Lupin for some spell or potion that would make him tell her...and Slenderman had already had enough experiences with Lupin's magic(Lupin gave him an enchanted candy once that turned him pink for a whole week XD).

"(F/n)...The reason I'm u-upset is because of some results I just got back."

"What kind of results, Slendy?"

"Uh, test results."

Slenderman couldn't figure out how to continue, so he just pointed to the trashcan next to his desk. It had been recently changed, so there was only a few things in it. (F/n) looked into the trashcan and saw the pink stick with a positive sign first. She was confused at first, but then she saw the box that had once contained the pink stick. (F/n)'s (E/c) eyes lit up with excitement when she realized that the stick was a pregnancy test.

"Slendy!!! This is great!!!"

(F/n) hugged Slenderman, a huge smile on her face. Slenderman was confused.

"Y-You're not upset?"

"Why would I be upset? This is awesome, Slendy. We're gonna be parents!!!"

Slenderman felt relieved that (F/n) was happy about the pregnancy. (F/n) flung herself at Slendy, but managed to keep herself from completely knocking him over. Slenderman hugged her back and the two shared a kiss. When they pulled apart, (F/n)'s (E/c) eyes were sparkling with joy, love and happiness.

"Have I told you I love you?"

"Almost everyday."

"Well, in case I haven't told you today...I love you."

~Time Skip 5 Months~

"Hey, Slendy. I'm going out with Jeff and Lupin. Will you be alright while we're gone?"

Slenderman looked up from the paper he was reading. (F/n) was standing in front of him wearing her usual outfit: black converse, black jeans shorts, a (F/c) shirt and a white mask in the same style as Masky's, but with blue lips. She was smiling behind her mask. Slenderman got up from his seat, with a little trouble, but (F/n) helped him the rest of the way by grabbing his arm. Slenderman chuckled to himself as he placed a hand on the five month bump under his shirt.

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