Carnival Bust(Pregnant!Laughing Jack x OC)

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It was the night of Halloween, my favorite holiday. I would have put on a costume and gone out for some fun, but I wanted to make sure LJ was alright. I know he was only eight months pregnant, but sometimes people can go into labor early. I left my daughter, Lucy, with her father, Jeff, and left to go find LJ. He told me he was going to spend some time at the carnival in case some thrill-seeking teenagers payed a visit.

"They'll be in for a treat." (Haha!!! Treat. Halloween humor XD)

I made my way through the forest, the wind picking up a little. There was a little chill to the air that made me shiver, but it passed. I pulled up the hood on my sweater, unzipping the ear holes. The sweater was a gift from Trendy. It was crimson red and went down past my waist. It was more like a dress, but I wore a pair of black jean shorts under it. Trendy told me the sweater made me look like a modern day Red Riding Hood. That always made me laugh. More like the daughter of Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad Wolf. I smiled at the thought and looked ahead. The carnival was straight ahead, the chain link fence rocking slightly. As I approached the gate, I heard screaming and running footsteps. I couldn't help, but wag my tail a little as I recognized the sounds of terrified teenagers. I hid behind a tree as four teenagers burst out of the carnival and into the woods. The looks on their faces were priceless. I laughed as I left my hiding place and entered the carnival. I saw a body close to the gate, a puddle of blood flowing from the side. I smiled as I inspected the body, but the smile faded when I saw the wound. It was a single slash to the side. This isn't LJ's kill. LJ usually leaves three or four slashes. 

"LJ? LJ, where are you?"

A bad feeling swept over me as I quickly walked through the tents and rides. Something wasn't right. I could just sense that there was something wrong with the situation, like this kind of thing happened before. I was near the Big Top when I heard voices that weren't friendly.

"We are going to be so rich!!! I can't believe the last group couldn't handle this clown."

"The clown wasn't pregnant last time, Charlie. He's slower now, so of course it was easier to catch him."

"Yeah. He put up quite the fight though for someone of his size. What are we going to do with him once he's fully under control?"

"Well, I figured we would keep him at our base till he has the kid then sell them both to the highest bidders."

I growled and lashed my tail at those words. Whoever these bastards were...they wanted to take LJ and sell him and the baby like slaves. I wasn't going to let that happen though. I quietly made my way to the tent entrance and peeked in. The sight before me made memories I had locked away resurface. In the center of the ring, LJ was trying to get loose from chains that were wrapped around his arms and legs. He had several scratches on his clothes and they were bleeding. I couldn't tell from my spot, but it looked like he had been crying. As I looked around, thinking of a plan of attack, I heard LJ say something.

"Y-You fuckers aren't g-going to do a-anything to my baby."

One man chuckled as he stepped up to LJ and back-handed him hard across the face. "That's not your call, Bozo. You and your little monster belong to me now and I can do whatever I want with you."

That made my blood boil. If LJ belonged to anyone, he belonged to me. I stepped into the tent then, intending to end every last miserable life in there.

"You won't do anything to him. I'll kill you before you have the chance."

The man who hit LJ spun around quickly, surprise and anger in his eyes. "Who the fuck are you? What are you doing here?"

"I'm the one who's gonna tear you a new one and I'm here to take my boyfriend home."

The man looked confused. "Boyfriend?"

I glared and removed my machete from its sheathe. As I did so, one of the guys holding a chain connected to LJ gasped.

"Holy shit!!! Boss, that's the same witch that intervened the last time our guys tried catching the clown."

"A witch, huh? It's been a while since I caught me one of them. You sure are pretty."

I huffed in annoyance. "You can't get out of this with compliments, so don't even try."

Without another word, I charged at the man, but he was able to block my attack and push me away. "A fighter. Now, that's what I like! Let's dance, princess."

The man charged at me and I readied myself. We started to battle and I have to say, the man was good. He managed to block and dodge most of my attacks, even getting in a few attacks of his own. The whole time, he was smiling and seemed to be enjoying himself. It made me sick. Never before had I wanted to spill someone's guts on the ground. I started to get wilder with my attacks, just hoping that I would hit something major. After awhile, right as I was going for a blow that would seriously injure the man, I heard LJ whimper.


I looked over and felt my stomach drop. A small puddle was forming on the ground at LJ's feet and drops of liquid were falling from LJ's pants. I looked at LJ's face and saw that he looked scared. One of the guys holding the chains connected to LJ had a grin on his face.

"Looks like we won't have to wait much longer, Boss."

"This day just keeps getting better!"

The look of pleasure on the man's face made me growl. My eyes started to glow red and my energy started to gather.

"You all are just sick, twisted fucks!!! I'm gonna enjoy ripping your throats out."

The man started to chuckle, but his pleasure soon turned to terror as I changed my form. Awhile back, I discovered that I had what is known as a "Beast Form". Every witch has one, but only really powerful witches can reach them. My beast form was a black wolf. I guess you could call it a large werewolf since I could stand on my back legs and still move like a person. Anyway, once I was fully transformed, I advanced on the man. He pulled out a knife and started to swing it around wildly. It was pathetic. With one swift slash of my claws, I was able to disarm the man and that was no pun. His arm flew to the side of the ring and the man screamed. Blood flowed from his shoulder and that sort of sent me into a little frenzy. I pounced on the man and started to tear into his chest with my teeth. He choked on the blood that welled up in his throat and died soon after. Then, I turned on his friends. Like him, they pulled out knives, but I payed no attention. I attacked each of them like a hungry animal until every one of them was dead. Some may have called it overkill. Who cares? I calmed myself down enough and changed back to normal.

"LJ? You alright?"

He was on his hands and knees and was breathing kind of heavy. I knelt beside him and rubbed his back. He looked at me with a slight smile.

"T-Thank you."

I kissed him on the head before helping him up. "You're welcome. Now, let's go home."

By mid-afternoon the next day, a new member had joined the family. LJ had given birth to a beautiful baby boy. He was the cutest little thing ever!!! He was a little longer than most babies, so he would be tall like LJ when he was older. He had LJ's white skin, but a normal nose. His eyes were bright yellow like mine and his hair...well, I guess he shared me and LJ's hair, since we both had black hair. His ears were normal too. He was perfect in every way. Lucy was excited because she finally had a little brother. I was excited because I finally got to use the name I had picked. LJ liked it too and so, we decided to name our son Jake.

I sat next to LJ on the bed and watched as he fed our son a bottle. Without warning, I gently turned his head and kissed him.

"I love you, LJ. I love Jake too."

"I love you too, Lupin. You've made me the happiest clown in the world."

I laughed a little and kissed him again. Who knew that even murderers could have a happy family. It was the best!!!

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