Damsel in Distress(Pregnant!Jeff x Female!Reader)

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(Just a note, you have the ability to manipulate fog, can make animals do what you want and you like to sing sometimes when the mood is right(the music will literally play out loud from nowhere and it will seem like it's coming from everywhere). The song above is what you sing later.)

(F/n)=First Name   (E/c)=Eye Color   (R/t/n)=Random Town Name

"Hey, Jeff. Can I borrow your knife sharpener? I seemed to have...Jeff?"

(F/n) looked around the bedroom for her boyfriend. Jeff had been in his room a while ago and (F/n) would have known he had left because her room was right across the hall. (E/c) eyes looking around curiously, (F/n) entered and checked the bathroom. No Jeff. Must be downstairs.

(F/n) went downstairs and checked the living room first. Clocky and Toby were sitting together on one couch, Ben was playing with his DS, LJ was eating candy with Sally on the floor and Masky and Hoodie were on the other couch watching TV. Still no Jeff. Maybe the kitchen?


"Can I help you, (F/n)?"

(F/n) looked over and saw Slendy at the stove. "Oh, hey, Slendy. I was just looking for Jeff. Have you seen him?"

"I'm afraid I haven't. I'm sure he's around somewhere. He can't have gone far. He knows he's due any day."

"Yeah. You're probably ri-"


(F/n) and Slendy immediately ran out of the kitchen and to the living room. Masky was up now and turning up the volume of the television. The  news was on and it was live. Everyone had their eyes glued to the screen as they watched the news women report on what was happening.

"I'm coming to you live from (R/t/n) where police have cornered the infamous serial killer, Jeffrey Woods. Jeffrey Woods has slaughtered hundreds of people over the years and managed to elude the authorities every time. Now, the police feel they will finally catch the serial killer and bring an end to his horrendous crimes."

Gun shots and screams erupted from the house on screen. It went silent for  second and then more gun shots went off, followed by shouting. The news women seemed worried as she looked back at the camera.

"I just got news that Jeffrey Woods has fled the house and into the woods behind. Police are giving chase with K-9's as we speak. It is now no longer a fight for his arrest. It is now shoot to kill."

Everyone was horrified as they watched. A few looked to see what (F/n) thought of the situation, but found that she was gone. She returned a couple seconds later. She had left the second she heard Jeff was in trouble and geared up.  She changed into a dark (F/c) tank top, black skinny jeans, black combat boots and a black leather jacket. Strapped to her hips were two guns, the same kind used by police, a few cartridges of ammo and a hunting knife. (F/n) also wore a black mask in the same style as EJ's with three red stripes on both cheeks. No one questioned (F/n) about what she was doing.

"I'll be back with Jeff shortly. Keep the news on so you know what goes on. I'm gonna give them something to really get worked up about. Smile. Come on, boy. Let's go save our damsel in distress."

Smile followed without argument.

Shout and barks of dogs echoed through the forest as Jeff ran. All he wanted to do was go out for a night of fun and it completely backfired. Why the fuck did I leave?! Man, (F/n)'s not gonna let me live this down. Jeff started muttering curses as he slowed down and hid inside a hollow tree. He had managed to get pretty far ahead of the police despite his swollen stomach. The baby moved around, not liking the amount of movement that was going on. Jeff sighed and rubbed his stomach, trying to get the baby to settle down.

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