I Promise(Pregnant!Masky x Male!Reader)Part 1

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(Just a note, I did not steal the idea from Demi-Chan. I asked her if I could use the idea and she said yes. I just wanted to make sure you knew in case you found this similar to her part and assumed I stole it.)

The mansion was quiet except for the sobs that came from Masky's room. The proxy sat on the floor of his bathroom, a positive pregnancy test in his hand. It felt like the test was taunting him, like the double lines were burning into him. Masky threw the test away from him and buried his face into his knees.

"Why the fuck did this happen? It was only one night."

A light knock on the door made Masky look up. It was Stitches and Hoodie. Stitches walked in and sat down on the floor next to Masky.

"Everything ok, Masky? I heard you crying and got worried."

Masky shook his head. "N-No. Everything's NOT ok."

"What's wrong, Tim?"

Masky gathered his breath before he looked at his friend. "I-I'm p-pregnant."

Stitches and Hoodie looked at each other, not sure how to respond. Stitches felt happy for Masky, but seeing him crying made her think he wasn't. Hoodie thought the same thing.

"How'd this happen, Tim."

Masky sighed and put his head on his knees. "There was this guy I hooked up with a couple weeks ago. I didn't think anything would happen and it would just be a one-night stand that I would forget about at some point. Guess not."

"Did you call the guy and tell him?"

Masky shook his head. "No. I don't think he'd care."

"You should track him down and tell him."

Everyone jumped at the new voice, but relaxed when they saw it was just Kate. Stitches smiled and waved a little.

"Hey, Kate. You been standing there long?"

"Long enough to hear what you guys are taking about. I think you should go find the guy and tell him he's going to be a dad. You may find the outcome better than you thought."

Masky thought about it for a second before standing up. "You're right. I'm gonna go find (M/n) and tell him."

Masky stormed out of the bathroom, determined to track down (M/n) and give him a piece of his mind.

(M/n) sighed as he walked through the park. He wasn't sure why, but he felt this loneliness inside him. It was all from the one-night stand he had a couple weeks back. He thought that's just what it would be, but the pleasure he felt was way more intense than any other time before. There was something about the guy, Tim, that sent a spark through (M/n).

"The one guy I actually liked having sex with and I didn't even get his number. Way to go, (M/n)."

(M/n) stopped under a street light and ran a hand through his (H/l) (H/c) hair. A chill suddenly ran down his spine, a strange thing that happened when (M/n) felt like someone was watching him. (M/n) looked around, but it was hard to see since he was under the street light.

"Looking for something, (M/n)?"

(M/n) spun around and saw a guy around his age enter the light. He had brown hair and wore a light brown jacket with white mask. (M/n) backed up a little, unsure of what the man, Masky,  wanted.

"H-How do you know my name?"

Masky chuckled. "Gee. I know we only had one night together, but I'm sure you moaned my name enough times to remember it."

(M/n) had no idea what the guy was talking about, but then he took his mask off. (M/n) sighed with a small smile when he saw familiar brown eyes.

"Tim. It's you. I didn't think I'd see you again. What are you doing in the park at this hour?"

Masky shrugged. "Oh, I just wanted to find you and talk."

(M/n) put his hands in his pockets. "Ok. What do you want to talk about?"

Masky stepped forward a little. "Oh, nothing much, just...YOU KNOCKED ME UP!!!"


Masky grabbed (M/n) by the shirt, eyes narrowed. "Yeah. I'm pregnant now because of you!!! Happy!?"

(M/n)'s (E/c) eyes were wide with shock, but lit up. "Actually...I am."

"Y-You are?"

Masky let go of (M/n)'s shirt and looked at him in confusion. (M/n) hugged him with a smile on his face.

"Yeah. I am happy. I've always thought I would make a good parent and know I have to chance. This is great, Tim."

Before Masky could say anything, (M/n) pulled him in by the waist and kissed him. Masky stood in slight surprise, but kissed back. When they pulled apart, Masky smiled. (M/n) smiled too.

"I'll be there for you the whole way. I promise."

"You'd better be. Don't make me track your ass down again."

"I promise I won't."

The two males smiled once again before Masky led (M/n) into the woods towards the mansion. He wanted to finish what they started a couple weeks back.

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