Chapter 1

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A/N italics are the characters thoughts

Life can be hard, only because there's multiple factors that contribute to things going wrong. For example, Naruto, had a very rough life. He was rich and had things that teenagers could only dream of having, but he felt like his parents didn't care about him. They always seemed to be busy with overwhelming piles of paperwork that could stack up as high as the ceiling.

They ignored Naruto and bought him everything he could have ever wanted, but money couldn't buy happiness. The only thing he wanted was love and attention from his mom and dad. He grew to hate them for leaving him alone. For being selfish and only caring for money.

One night his parents were on their way home from the biggest party of the year. It was raining on said night, and the highways were drenched in water. Both his parents, Minato and Kushina, were completely wasted.

The rain hitting the glass was drowned out by the sounds of uncontrollable laughter and slurred conversation. Minato's vision blurred and the white lines on the highway blended together. The windshield fogged up from the ongoing rain and only made it harder for him to see. Kushina had already passed out in the passengers seat while Minato continued the struggle to drive.

Headlights perished through the thick fog and rain, highlighting the blondes features. Kushina woke up to the ear splitting sound of a car horn going off then everything seemed to slow down. She could see the scared faces of Minato and the other driver as they collided into each other. Glass shattered everywhere.

Both of the car horns, were loudly yelling to attract attention. Kushina had tears streaming down her blood covered face. Even though her hands had been greatly injured by glass impelling them, she made haste effort to reach for her cellphone. The only thing she could think about was the son she had forgotten about. It was not that she wanted to ignore him, but she wanted him to have a better childhood than she. She wanted to offer him the world, but perhaps, she was not ready to be a mother. She did not receive much love as a child, and that reflected in her own parenting as a cruel consequence. Guilt began to seep into her soul as she tried desperately to fix things with a phone call. The phone rang, but eventually reached voice mail.

"I'm sorry but the person you have dialed is currently unavailable. Please leave a message after the beep." Kushina now understood the loneliness that Naruto had felt when she had not answered her phone. All the nights he would wait for her and Minato to return. However, they would not be returning tonight or ever again. The only thing she knew to do was to leave him a message and apologize for the past in hopes it would give peace to the poor boys heart.

"Naruto sweetheart, I'm so sorry for everything." She struggled to keep herself from crying. The loud sounds of the car horns were clearly at display.

"Minato and I have crashed our car.
A-And I don't think we're coming home this time." She stuttered out her words and her voice was hoarse.

"We want you to know that we ..." Her voice slurred and her vision was becoming darker and darker by the second. Her grip on the phone loosened and you could hear the haggard breathing come to a stop.

Time skip (Naruto's Pov)

    Naruto moaned and turned over to face his alarm clock. He slowly opened his tired eyes as he rubbed the sleep out them. His blonde hair stuck out in every direction as he stood up and made his way over to his alarm clock to turn it off.  Damnit, mom usually has a maid to come wake me up by now. She must be busy with "work". He staggered over to his closet and put on his school uniform. He went to the most expensive and fanciest school in America. Where all the richest kids go.

"Pfft. What a joke." He walked back over to his king sized bed and tossed around his silk sheets.

  "Shit I can't find my phone." He then threw his covers onto the floor, and he picked up his pillow, tossing it down with the rest of the sheets. He noticed his phone has accidentally fallen into the crevice of his bed. The screen lit up with a new notification.

I got a missed call from mom. All well, we can talk about it before I leave for school. That is, if her and dad aren't busy with work again.

     Naruto opened his bedroom door and made his way down the long lonely corridor. When he reached the stairs, he was surprised he couldn't smell the sizzling bacon and fresh orange juice because it was customary in the household to have breakfast every morning together as a family to make up for lost time. He made his way down the stairs to see that the maids weren't there to cook.
      Why hasn't mom or dad given the order to cook something, but I guess I can just eat cereal.
      Just as he was sitting the bowl down on the table, the doorbell rang. He slowly walked over to the large double doors and stood on his tippy toes so he could see out the peek whole. He saw two large policemen with solemn looks upon their faces. He was confused about why, but he didn't really question it. Naruto opened the door with slight hesitation and greeted the officers with a smile.

  "Naruto Uzumaki?" The policeman said with a deep voice.


  "I'm sorry to tell you this, but your parents passed in an automobile accident last night. autopsy reports show they had too much alcohol in their system, and that is believed to be the reason for the crash." Narutos heart stopped. He debated on if this was some kind of sick, twisted joke. He could not find a reason for it to be. He felt as if his whole world had crashed down upon him, and his stomach twisted into a knot.

   "There gone?" Naruto's voice was now below a whisper because of the pressure built up in his throat. Tears stung at his eyes, and now he only questioned why he was sad. He never got to see his parents anyways. If he hated them, why did it hurt this much. He slowly wiped away the tears only to have them replaced with fresh new ones.

   "Since you are not legally an adult, you have to stay with a-' Naruto cut the officer off, not really caring if he was being rude.

   "But I don't have any other family members" he felt and sharp pain in his chest as he remembered the missed call he had found on his phone this morning. He realized that was his last chance to talk to his parents, and he had completely ignored it. Naruto continued to rub the tears away from his now red, swollen eyes.

  "We have found a relative, but he lives in Japan. You will arrive at the airport tomorrow and be in Japan the next day." The officer's partner took out his clip board and began writing down the information that he had gained by observing Naruto.

    "I assume that's why your mother and father had you take Japanese classes. Also their money  will go to you, but the house will be sold. The Uzumaki Corp. will have different owners but you will get half of their profit.  Until you are of age, of course. Make sure to pack everything you need because it's going to be a long flight. We are sorry for your loss."  With that final sentence they left Naruto with his thoughts.

The reality of Naruto's situation began to settle within his conscious. He remembered something his father had once told him—men must be strong. Even though he didn't really know what he meant by that. Naruto shut the door, and the echo in the house felt especially loud knowing there was no one there but him. He felt lonelier than ever before. He choked back tears and took out his phone. One missed call flashed brightly across the screen. He couldn't bring himself to click on it. He turned his phone off with a clicking sound and walked through the empty house, to his bedroom, to pack his bags.

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