I sit at my desk, watching with complete and utter boredom as Rude for the fucking fourth time tried ta talk ta meh. Personally, I wasn't that interested in talkin' in the first place. I sigh with relief as Rude just gives up and goes back to his work. Now I can get back to more important things, like my nap for instance. I really didn' give two flyin' fucks whether Tseng was gonna yell at me fer not doin' my work. I dun't care if Elena yells at me for the umpteenth time for something that I dun't really care about. For Gaia's sake, if she comments on my tattoos one more time, I'm gonna electrocute that bitch.
The sound of tapping on my desk didn't bother me at all. I pick up my pen and continued with my work, managing ta get a bit more of it done. But in my other ear, the tapping wouldn't cease. I just breathe deeply and continue on with mah work. Finally finished with mah work, I reach into my pocket for a cigarette, and still the tapping refused to stop.
I heave a deep sigh. This was just annoying. "What tha fuck do ya want Elena?"
Elena recoils a bit. "Ouch Reno, why so grouchy today?"
I hiss in slight anger. "Laney, get back ta work."
Elena shuffles back a bit. "I just wanted to ask you for something, that's all."
I am a bit curious. "Does Tseng want my cigs?"
Elena seems a bit shocked. "How did you know?"
I laugh dryly. "I could tell by your face and your apprehensive response to his text. Besides, Rufus has been runnin' him through the wringer, so I wouldn' be surprised if Tseng had picked up smoking again."
Elena laughs in admiration. "Wanna deliver them? I've got a massive report to finish."
I bow. "It would be my pleasure."
I rise from my desk and walk to Tseng's office, knocking lightly. "Bossman?"
I heard Tseng groan on the other side. "What do you want Reno?"
I smirk. "I have yer cigs."
I heard Tseng get up and open his door. "Come in."
I walk into Tseng's office, plopping down in a chair. "So, Rufus been at ya lately?"
Tseng looked up from lighting his cigarette. "What makes you say that?"
I stare at him. "Cause you never smoke, yer always preachin' ta me about how I should quit."
Tseng laughed. "Well maybe I'm not one for listening to my own advice."
I grew a bit concerned. "But that's usually what you do."
Tseng sighed. "Ok, so Rufus has been up my ass these past few weeks."
My jaw dropped to the floor. "Weeks? Why didn't you ask me for 'em sooner?"
Tseng dropped his head, taking a drag. "Because I couldn't pay you back then."
We continued to talk for another hour, Tseng going through more cigarettes than I ever would talking to anyone. I went back to my desk and thought about how I could help Tseng. He's never that stressed; he's always so calm and collected. While I was thinking, the tapping started up again. I groaned; this was gonna be an annoying day...

Simplicity, Sin, Depression...and everything else.
Short StoryI had a crazy idea in my head... and i think it will actually work out this time... people kept asking me, "why don't you have more of Reno?" So I thought about it for an hour, and came up with this. A collection of the sexy redhead we simply cann...