Reno's p.o.v:
"But we're not dead."
"Reno, we're stranded in a fucking forest!"
"We're still not dead though."
"I think Tseng's dead."
"No I am in the process of regaining the breath I just lost jumping out of a fucking burning helicopter."
"But since we're not dead, we can go back to Shin-Ra and get coffee."
"Then convince Rufus not to kill us."
"None of the events that occurred today provide a good argument for him not to."
"But we're still his best, so we probably won't end up being painted on his floor."
Rude got up from the stump he was sitting on and stretched his legs. "True. Start heading back?"
Tseng nodded, limping a bit while he finished catching his breath. "Yes. Sooner we return the sooner Rufus might consider the option to keep us alive."
I glanced back at Tseng, helping him stay upright while he walked. "At least crashing the copter wasn't my fault this time."
Rude looked back. "That is a good point."
Elena put her phone back in her pocket. "Well the good news is we're only about an hour and a half walk from Midgar."
I raised an eyebrow. "And the bad news is?"
Elena looked back at me while we walked. "What makes you think there's bad news? Or more bad news in this case?"
I ran a hand through my hair. "Is there more bad news?"
Elena shook her head. "For right now, no."
I chuckled and kept on walking. "See? Nothing else to worry about."
"Reno we're in the middle of the goddamned woods you lost your cigarettes Tseng can barely walk and the only Materia we did have we can't goddamn find! That's at least a bit to worry about."
Rude wrapped an arm around Elena's shoulders, seeming to calm her down quite a bit. "To be fair we have been through worse. I think we'll be fine."
Elena sighed and took a deep breath. "Okay."
"Aww someone has a crush on Rude." I turned and saw Tseng chuckle softly.
(sorry if this was short. not much inspiration on this one. promise the continuation will be longer)

Simplicity, Sin, Depression...and everything else.
Short StoryI had a crazy idea in my head... and i think it will actually work out this time... people kept asking me, "why don't you have more of Reno?" So I thought about it for an hour, and came up with this. A collection of the sexy redhead we simply cann...