(just warning you all now, this'll probably get kinda dirty. But if you know me by now, then you know what to expect hehehehe. This is just Reno speaking to all you wonderful viewers)
*pushes my hair back* Hello all the wonderful people of Wattpad and Fanfiction.net. Mah name's Reno, just in case ya weren't payin' attention. I just wanted ta say how lovely it is of you guys and girls to spend yer time readin' what she's written. It makes meh so happy seeing that big ol' grin on her face. *blushes and smirks* just wanted ta say that before I continue any further. *laughs again* I dunno why yer just standin' there like a dumbstruck teenager. Or like Elena does when I'm right and she knows that. I know ya think I'm attractive. Might as well jus' admit that now. Ya do? Ohhh good, that's just wonderful *slips out of my shirt*.
*looks up* what? I know you wanna touch me. But yer bein' all shy and shit. I can wait all day if that's what it'll take. *plops on my couch, raking a hand through my hair.* When ya finally come ta yer senses, I'll be right here *laughs sensually*.

Simplicity, Sin, Depression...and everything else.
Short StoryI had a crazy idea in my head... and i think it will actually work out this time... people kept asking me, "why don't you have more of Reno?" So I thought about it for an hour, and came up with this. A collection of the sexy redhead we simply cann...