I sat there in a lowly corner of my room, balancing the gun on my hand. I could just shoot myself now and Elena wouldn't have to talk to me anymore. Rude wouldn't have to worry about me getting shitfaced and getting into fights. Tseng wouldn't have to yell at me for being late and for everything else that i do. Rufus wouldn't have to see my slum rat ass anymore. I bet if I shot this now, nobody would miss me; nobody would miss me at all.
Sighing and wiping the tears from my eyes, I clicked the safety off and lazily pointed it at my head. I almost shot, but somebody grabbed my hand. I didn't even notice anyone come in. I looked up into a pair of shades, and started laughing in relief. Rude eased the gun out of my tight grip and pulled me into his arms. I leaned into his chest and started sobbing. Rude took off his shades and stared at me, almost asking why. I didn't say anything, just laid in his arms and sniffled, falling asleep.
"Reno? Reno, wake up man."
I went to sit up but immediately felt a sharp pain in my head. A pair of hands went to push me back down onto whatever I was laying on, my senses immediately on edge.
"Hey hey, calm down man. Its just me Rude, remember?"
I felt my right arm tense, but quickly relax as I let myself be pushed back into the bed--my bed apparently.
Rude made a gesture to the empty space next to me, looking at me with a softened expression like he was asking permission to get in and hold me.
I nodded and watched Rude walk to the other side of the bed, removing his shoes before climbing in, tentatively wrapping his arms around my waist.
I let out the breath I was holding and slowly sunk into Rude's grip, feeling an uneasy calm wash over me.
Rude buried his head into my neck. "Why Reno?"
"This...this is just too much. All the shit at work, dealing with my cousin and if I have to hear Rod break out into song one more time I'm gonna shove my EMR straight up his—"
Rude cut me off with a quick kiss, watching my face immediately become covered by a blush.
"Its okay. You're here, I'm here. You're safe."
I laid my head in Rude's shoulder, feeling...safe.

Simplicity, Sin, Depression...and everything else.
NouvellesI had a crazy idea in my head... and i think it will actually work out this time... people kept asking me, "why don't you have more of Reno?" So I thought about it for an hour, and came up with this. A collection of the sexy redhead we simply cann...