WTF Reno?

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A/N: Thanks Rude, we were thinking the same thing.

    How the hell did I get covered in cookie dough?!? Oh hi audience, I didn't see you guys there. I was busy ranting in my head about the downfall of being covered in cookie dough. You guys are probably wondering how I became like this in the first place. Trust me guys, I'm still confused.

      So we were sent to assist with baking cookies. Why, I have no clue, but Tseng said yes anyway. So we arrive, get checked in, and start with this whole cookie dough shit. I'm stirring a fucking vat of this crap right? That's apparently the perfect time for Elena to push me into said vat. Oh I got myself out, and almost went to jail trying to kill her fer that.

     So now I'm in the shower (that I've been in for an hour trying to get this damn dough out of...everywhere.) This has not been a good day for me. Even worse was that Rude recorded it, and posted it all over So now instead of three people seeing it, everyone in Shin-Ra can see it. Even Rufus, who I managed to make laugh with it.

     And so far, he hasn't stopped watching it to my knowledge. Every time I've walked by him in the hall, or dropped paperwork in his office, he just laughs at me. Like throws his head back and straight up laughs. Not even maliciously, just combination amazed and amused. I'm glad he's got a sense of humor(and a soul.)

But Goddamnit its been a month its not that fucking funny! I still can't get the smell out of my goddamn jacket.

Elena got me cookies for my birthday and I glared at her. They were still good but I was still mad at her for pushing me in.

Sephiroth was at least nice enough to get me a new suit. Which he didn't have to, but I was greatly appreciative of it.

Rude did get me some cookie dough ice cream. Which in all fairness, I did throw some on him so he could feel my pain (just without the hour and a half in the shower.)

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