Truth Or Dare

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"Truth or Dare?" Alya asked asked her best friend with a smirk. She was planning to be evil either way.

The whole class was playing a big game of "Truth or Dare" in the classroom after school, no one having much else to do.

"Uhh..." Marinette knew what her friend was going to do. If she picked "Truth", she would make her tell Adrien how she felt. If she picked "Dare", it would probably be something just as embarrassing. "Dare..."

Alya grinned evilly, making her immediately regret her decision. She gulped.

"I dare you to kiss Adrien."

Chloe gasped in outrage while Marinette and Adrien both blushed beet red. The rest of the group of teens watched with growing expectation.

"Don't you dare place your slimy lips on my Adrikins!" Chloe hissed, jabbing a perfectly manicured hand in her direction.

Adrien just waited nervously as Marinette slowly turned to face him. Ignoring Chloe and drawing up some of her inner Ladybug courage, she quickly leaned forward and pressed a kiss to his mouth. Just as fast, she pulled back, but not before Alya had snapped a picture.

"ADRIENETTE IS CANON!!!" Kim shouted, the others joining in the cheers.

Marinette was red as a tomato; no, a fire truck! And Adrien... well, let's just say that he forgot how to function properly. Nino laughed at his now lovesick face. He poked his friend's arm.

"Dude, you okay?" he asked, snorting in laughter.

"Gah..." was his gargled response.

"She broke him!!" Chloe screeched. "That stupid MariTrash broke my Adrikins!!"

Marinette's red face slowly stretched into a grin, the blush fading as she watched her crush blubber in failed attempts at talking.

Maybe he likes me! she internally squealed.

"Marinette," Alya sing songed. "It's your turn!"

"Okay, um... Adrien, Truth or Dare?"

At the sound of his name coming from her voice, he snapped out of his dream land.

"Oh, u-uh, Truth?"

Marinette smirked. Alya watched in delight, the rest of the class (minus Chloe) holding their breaths in excitement.

"Do you like me?" she asked this with mischief, but also a tiny bit of fear.

His face lit up in flames. He squeezed his eyes shut, breathing quicker.

"YES!" he said in a whoosh of air.

"ADRIENETTE IS CANON! I REPEAT, ADRIENETTE IS CANON!" the teens followed in Kim's bellow, chanting along.

Alya squealed while Chloe wailed, Nino cheered while Marinette kissed him again.

And Adrien? Well... let's just say that he broke down completely.

Bye bye, Adrien.

It was nice knowing you.

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