A Miraculous Christmas

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~Marinette's POV~

Christmas is just around the corner! Gah, I'm so excited! The best part is that tonight my parents and I are throwing a Christmas party here at our bakery. My whole class is invited! Sadly, that means Chloe will probably come. On the bright side, Adrien's definitely going to be here! Wait...

Adrien's coming to our Christmas party?!

Christmas means mistletoe!! Mistletoe means kissing!! Kissing means-! I actually don't know that one...

What if Adrien and I are under the mistletoe? What if we kiss and he doesn't like it? What if he hates me because I'm a bad kisser?!

I started hyperventilating. This can't be happening!! I clutch my hair, pacing around in my room.

For the party, I was wearing a red dress with fluffy white cotton the ends, a Santa-styled hat to complete the festive look. Earlier, Alya assured me that I looked cute, but what if Adrien hates it? What if I spill hot chocolate all over it?

Tikki flew over to me, hovering in front of my face.

"It's all right, Marinette! Tonight will be amazing! Just dig inside yourself for your Ladybug courage!"

"But Tikki, I'm not Ladybug right now! I don't have my suit!"

"Marinette, you don't need the suit to be Ladybug. It's just your natural personality! It isn't the spots that make the hero, it's the person underneath the mask."

I smiled happily, bringing my Kwami in for a little nuzzle.

"Thanks, Tikki," I whispered, "I needed that."

The tiny being giggled.

"Anytime. Now go on! The party's starting in ten minutes!"

I gasped, my eyes darting over to the clock.

"You're right! I'll bring you some cookies when it's over. Thanks again!"

I dashed down the stairs to help my parents make last-minute adjustments. My friends (and Chloe) would be here any second! Adrien would be here any second!

I started to hyperventilate again, but I closed my eyes and counted to ten. Opening them once more, I felt calmer.

I can do this!

Adrien, Alya, and Nino walked through the door, making the bell chime. I froze up as I saw my crush's smiling face.

I can't do this!

But then I remembered Tikki's encouraging words, so I slowly inhaled and exhaled.

Okay. Okay. I can do this. I'm Ladybug!

I smiled, greeted them, hugged Alya, and the night began. The other teens in my class showed up soon after my internal freak-out. Nino had brought some cool Christmas tunes for everyone to listen to, and they really rocked!

People had already decided to dance, and were in the middle of the bakery having fun with their friends.

I didn't really feel like dancing, so I just went over to stand in a doorway to watch Alya and Nino. I was so distracted in fangirling at their closeness that I didn't notice when Adrien approached me. Or the mistletoe hanging above.

"Hey, Marinette!" he greeted, making me jump.

"O-oh! Merry Christmas, Adrien!" I stuttered.

The thing is, sometimes when I get flustered I tend to move my eyes everywhere. My gaze went up, and my face burned even brighter, matching my dress and hat. Adrien followed, his face as red as mine.

He looked back at me, and I met his eyes. Well, it is mistletoe. I grabbed his shirt, pulling him closer, and kissed him.

When we pulled away, he looked surprised, but happy.


"M-Merry Christmas, A-Adrien!!" I cried, before turning tail and escaping to the safety of my room.

I. Kissed. Adrien.

What a miraculous Christmas!!

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