Chapter V: Reunited

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Chapter V: Reunited


"My God, Joleigh! It's you! It's really you!"

"Yes, I'm here – oh!" Joleigh's eyes widened when she was pulled into his warm embrace, but she did not resist it. Enjolras was trying to warm her up as much as he could. He rested his chin on her head as she gave in and cuddled into his chest. "I can't believe it! I knew I wasn't seeing things!"

"What do you mean-"

 "How have you been? Oh, that's a stupid question – I, meant - How long have you been alone?" He babbled.

"Since my father died, the others...well...they were still here after you went. Lesgles, Feuilly, Bahorel and 'Taire. I had them. Even occasionally saw 'Ponine. Then, they got into school, studying and getting jobs. Eponine's father took her away; I don't know where she is now. 'Taire was the last to go. He gave me his coat and his boots; I had them for a while. But, you know, the economy is not on my people's side. I sold them."

"And the one you are wearing?" He pulled away to look at Montparnasse's oversized jacket. She tugged it around herself.

"A generous man gave it to me." 

"What about money?" Enjolras touched the subject lightly.

"I take what work I can, eat what food I can get. Sorry, I smell horrid; I was working at a fish stall today. I can't find any profession. I'm either too young or not qualified." She shrugged her shoulders and sighed. "But I don't mind, I get by-" She did not mention Montparnasse. "'s very nice to see you again. It's been long." Those light blue eyes he remembered in the summertime were dark and rimmed with desolation. She was pale, almost a ghastly white. Joleigh looked ill. She probably was, there were hundreds of diseases in the slums.

"Not one of the Amis has visited you?" He asked with concern. She nodded and bit her chapped lips. Enjolras was overcome with pity. Joleigh coughed and he pulled her closer to him. 

"Why didn't you try to find one of us?"

"Paris is a big place." She laughed hoarsely. "Besides, you are all too busy. Work and school and I don't want to be a problem." He pulled her away again by the shoulders. Joleigh blinked with surprise.

"A problem!" Enjolras exclaimed.

" know..." Joleigh turned red.

"Joleigh you are never a problem!" He went so far as to cup her soft porcelain cheek, searching her face for any signs of discomfort. There were none. She looked shocked at the large hand on her face, but then slowly relaxed into the touch. Enjolras wanted to scream with joy. Then she reached up herself and took his hand off, retreating a step away from him.

"I must go." She said bluntly. "I need to rest. I'm feeling very tired."

"What?" Enjolras scoffed. Joleigh curtsied and turned to run, he caught her arm before she disappeared. He did not want to leave her for another year. She could die cold and alone, for all he knew. Enjolras had to make this right.

"Please, release me Enjolras." She asked politely and softly, not even looking at him. 

"No. You must come with me." He stated, and Joleigh turned in shock.

"What?" She stuttered, and then bit her lip. "No, no I really mustn't-"

"Joleigh you will die out here. You need shelter and food; I cannot allow you to go without these things. I left you for a year, and I am so sorry. Please allow me to do this!" Enjolras relaxed when she turned back to him.

"Why would you?" Joleigh looked into his eyes, he knew what she was doing – trying to read him. She was good at it, but not good enough. He made his expression different to his true emotion.

"Because I-" He stopped himself. "You are my friend." Her face briefly fell.


"Now, come on." He tugged her arm lightly and turned in the direction of where he left the carriage waiting. "You're not going to believe who is with me! Courfeyrac, Combeferre, Jehan! They'll be delighted to know you're alive! They didn't believe that I saw you, but I knew I did. How could I forget your face?" Enjolras rambled excitedly. He didn't notice that Joleigh had winced painfully, her free hand snapping up to her head. It was spinning. Her vision was blurring.

"E-Enjolras-" she stammered, almost gasping as he trailed her behind him. "Enjolras - my head, it's..." She reeled in pain. It was the hunger, and the dehydration. She felt faint. The young man turned just in time to catch her as she stumbled and fell.

"Joli!" He cried, as her body slumped against his. Enjolras cursed under his breath. She was still breathing; she wasn't dead - Thank God. But she wasn't moving.  He didn't know what was wrong. I need to get her to the carriage. Combeferre may know how to help. Easily he picked her up, cradling her to his chest, grimacing at how light she was. She needed to be fed; maybe she had starved her body of food so much that she had no more energy. Yes. That could be it. Enjolras made his way quickly to the Rue de Thornier, thankful for the lamps of the main street. He could see the carriage up ahead, the horses jostling impatiently, their hooves clattering on the cobble softly. No doubt his friends had given up and were already inside. Enjolras smirked. He had found her and he was right. The young man speedily made for the carriage, eagerly anticipating his friends faces, but also so Joleigh could get help. Meters from his destination, a shadow emerged from one of the alleys, blocking his path.

"Is she dead?"


GUESS WHO'S BACK, BACK AGAIN - KAT IS BACK TELL A FRIEND! hahah oh my god can you believe it! I finally updated! I know i beeen long but i've been uber busy with life (yeah im SUCH a social butterfly- ha.) but for real, I have GCSEs this year (and for those who don't know what those are - they are like exams they do in england that will EFFECT YOUR FUTURE AND WHAT YOU DO IN LIFE) so yeah, thats stressing me out my craaazy!

Any who, I hope you liked this little chappie - I have actually written the next one, so that will be posted probably next week!

If you liked this, then comment your thoughts! 

-Kat/Grantaire xxx

The Unknown Past and Untold Future *Les Miserables Romance (Enjolras)*Where stories live. Discover now