Chapter VIII : The Plan

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Chapter VIII : The Plan


Enjolras' parents returned late in the night, they spoke softly - in distaste of their son leaving the ball without notice - yet they did nothing. These were matters for the morning.

The gleam of the winter sun suddenly filled the room, waking Joleigh up with a start.

"Ah!" She sat up and rubbed her eyes.

"Good morning dear!" A stout older woman beamed at her from the window as she shook out the curtains. "Now, we're going to do this quickly as to not raise suspicion - I need to oversee breakfast before the Mr. and Mrs. awaken ," She strode over to the bed and threw off the covers. Joleigh blinked at her. "Come now child, out of bed!"

"Pardon Madame, who are you? Where is Enjolras?" She asked, stepping out of the bed and onto the cool wood floor.

"I'm Madame Courmier, now come along we need to get you washed and dressed. Monsieur Marc will meet us once that's done. " Joleigh was ushered towards the bathroom. The room was lavish and clean, everything marble and porcelain with subtle golden flourishes. In the centre,   glowing under the light of a large window was a bathtub already filled with water. Joleigh was baffled by the site, the bedroom was something, yet the bathroom was unlike anything she could imagine a bathroom to be.

"Oh my... oof!" Before she could protest, Courmier pulled the nightgown up and off of her and Joleigh sank into the warm water of the bath quickly to protect her modesty. She submerged herself under the surface and the grime of the streets melted off of her. It felt delightful.

"How's the water, dear?" Courmier asked as Joleigh came back to the surface, her long golden hair wet and cascading down her back and face. The poor girl moved it from her face with a beaming smile.

"Absolutely amazing!" Joleigh exclaimed.

"Good." Courmier gave her a warm smile and brought out a bar of soap and a scrubbing brush and began her work. She rolled up her sleeves and took Joleigh's arm, giving it a quick rub with soap, then used the brush to exfoliate her skin. Once that was done - she did the other arm and then moved to her back. All the while, Joleigh reddened with embarrassment - she had never experienced this treatment before. As Courmier moved to her right leg and began her routine, she spoke, "You gave us quite a fright last night when the young Monsieurs brought you in! How are you feeling now dear?"

"Much better thank you, um, you really don't have to do this - I can wash myself." Joleigh said sheepishly. The head maid gave her a chuckle and moved to her left leg.

"Oh it's alright, something tells me you need it." She winked and placed Joleigh's leg back into the water to rinse the suds from her body. Then she gave the soap to the girl. "However, I will leave you to clean your more private areas," Courmier got up and walked over to a cupboard, taking out a plush towel and laying it on the sink counter. " I'll leave this here for you, when you're done meet me back in the room and we'll get you dressed." She gave Joleigh another smile, "Quickly now child!" And she was out the door. Joleigh followed her orders and washed the rest of herself quickly. She only paused for a moment to look out the grand window, the sky was cloudy - yet the garden below was still beautiful. You could see past it to the other grand white houses lined up across the street. The sounds of the city awakening could softly be heard in the distance. Joleigh sighed and slipped under the water one last time before stepping out and drying herself with the soft towel she was given. Wrapping it around her body, she stepped back into the bedroom shivering slightly from the crisp air that greeted her.

Madame Courmier was immediately back in her face leading her over to the corner of the room where there was a wooden divider. Joleigh stepped behind it and was passed some white pantyhose and a simple pale blue dress that cut off just below the knee. "Here you go dear, put these on swiftly now! I'm sure they will fit you, the girl that left them behind was around your size. Monsieur Marc should be coming here soon."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2017 ⏰

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