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The one on the right is her outfit

Athenas POV

The councilor smiled weakly at me as she was going through her desk trying to find my paperwork. "Im sorry but it seems I have misplaced it" she said. This school had a really bad filing system. First they lost my birth certificate, then my transfer papers, and now my registration form??? "Here it is" I said plucking it from the chaos of papers. "Oh yes" she said. I could see the look of frustration written across her face in big bold letters. "Right this way to your class" I had been to in this office since 9 and it was 11:50 when I finally got to class. The councilor pulled the lady in front of the class. She whispered something across her face and the teacher looked worried. "Very well then" she said and rested a hand on my shoulder. "Class this is Arias she's new be very nice to her" she smiled and instantly everyone's eyes were on me. "She's a" but the teacher cut her off. "She a new student yes" she cut him off and led me to an empty chair. "Alpha Dakota won't be to happy" someone whispered. Huh?? I began talking to a group of girls and they all agreed I could sit with them 10 minutes later the bell rang and we scurried to lunch.

We walked through the doors and everyone was already in here how did they get here so fast. Everyone's eyes again fell on me. The girls swallowed and looped there arms in mine. Whisper fled through the now silent room causing chills to go up my spine. "MINE" I heard someone yell. And I was pushed behind the 3 girls who made a wall. There was a tall figure between me and the girls. "Its her " the grim voice said. With that I was rushed to the table in the middle of the room while Madison, Jasmine and Breanna calmed the stranger. "So that's what all the commotion is about" a blond girl said taking a seat next to me.

Dakotas POV

"How could you let her in" I yelled knowing everyone in the school would hear me. "She's human she doesn't need to be here" I grimaced. I slammed the door behind me as I made my may to the lunch room. Instantly an amazing smell filled my nose. Mint and cotton candy. I followed the scent to the lunchroom were it was strongest. "We need that human to leave" I growled. Showing my canines to my beta. All of a sudden the Smell hit me along with the human. "Do you guys smell that?" I ask memorized. "Yes the human is approaching" Nathan (beta) replied. "No its smells like mint and cotton candy" I smiled. Your mate she's here she's coming! Good luck my wolf Luke shouted at me. What do you mean good luck? I asked. But soon my questions were answered. The room fell dead silent and everyone starred at the front. "That's her" I yell as I rush my way to the front. Cuz your Luna is very special. My wolf teased me bringing me to realize my Luna was human... I didn't care I had to see her had to hold her I had to have her. Maddison and Jasmine saw me coming and instantly knew she way my mate. The face turned white as Brenna (Nathan's mate) rushed the unnamed girl to the table and Jasmine and Madison dragged me out of the room. The guarded the door like statues. "I have to see her" I growled. "She's human Dakota!" The returned. "I don't care she's mine" I grimaced knowing they wouldn't let me pass. "Do you wanna freak her out? She's clueless." They said. My heart raced as the smell entered my nose. "Fine" I growled and followed them to the table. "Hey Athena this is Dakota" Maddison smiled. Instantly my heart soared. Athena such a beautiful name. She's beautiful. Stunning. "Pretty name" I smiled at her and her face turned bright red. Her lips formed to a smile making me wanna howl. "I'm Athena" she smiled. Good Start but there's lots more to go my wolf whispered to me. I had found my mate. My luna

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