Chapter five

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I should have never listened to my mother. The picture that she had painted of my father in my head wasn't even half true! Before I went into my daddy room I talked to his doctor, and while my dad did indeed have lung cancer in it's advanced stages he had longer than five months to live. They don't know for sure yet but there placing it around a year. Shyne consoled me while I sobbed to the doctor trying to bargain my dad's life with pleads and the five thousand dollars for his treatment. The doctor wrote me a receipt and assured me that the money would give him more options.

While I was talking to the doctor I was also anxiously waiting for my mama and Riley to come out of his room since only two were allowed in at a time. I sat there for What felt like forever before Riley and my mama finally came out. I let in a deep breath and closed my eyes. Even though I wanted to see him I had no idea of What to say. How could I? I haven't seen this Man in years and haven't spoken to him in I don't know how long..Riley rubbed my shoulder in reassurance when she passed me. I braved myself, pulled my hair back and opened the door with Shyne closely behind me. Inside of the room it was cold, goosebumps came instantly. I looked to the bed that was oddly in the corner at my big strong handsome daddy, but he didn't look so big,strong, or handsome anymore . He looked small laying there. Of course That's not my father. I remember him being.... so much more magical and perfect. I turned around and began to walk out. 

"What are you doing?" Shyne demanded to know, quickly grasping my hand and pulling me back. I jerked my hand back and folded them. 

"Shyne That's not my daddy, I don't know who this Man is" I murmured.  

He sighed heavily and and ran his fingers through his dreads. 

"Do you hear how you sound?" I knew it sounded crazy, but as I glanced at the Man who was staring intently at us, I just couldn't believe that he is my dad. 

"Let's go shyne, " I wasn't going to let him convince me of  anything , he realised it and only shrugged. We started again to the door when I heard my name in the form of a cracked voice. Shocked, I slowly turned my head. The Man had sat up on the bed and positioned himself. 

"Chyna, come here." I felt like a deer in head lights, The facts of this man's identity that were only as solid as smoke become concrete when he used my name . I tried to back away from him but Rashyne urged me forward and I silently cursed him in my head. 

"I haven't seen you since you were this high." he told me lightly and motioned his hand to show me. 

Now that he was sitting, he looked better, I realised that the magic he once had was seen through child eyes; I grown up and he simply didn't hold the interest I once had for him, I also realised that just like I had grown up, he had too. He wasn't the young fit Man who could bench press both my sister and myself at the same time.  

"Hi. " I mumbled shyly looking down at the toms on my feet as if They were the most interesting thing ever.  

"You not gonna come give your daddy a hug?" I thought I'd be excited to see him, or even cry but instead I was pissed. I completely clicked out. The fact that he expected some type of affection from me enraged me. 

"A hug? do you know how many times I wanted a hug from you? but you were too busy fucking your wife and dodging me! But now where is that bitch now that your sick? I'm here even though you dogged me out, you threw your family away for her and she not even here!" I shouted in rage. I thought he'd be shocked or upset over my outburst, but all he did was bow his head. Apparently Shyne thought I was gonna do something extra because he lifted me from my feet and turned me away from my dad. 

"Shyne put me down!" I pinched his arms until he released me then turned back to my dad. 

"I guess I deserve that." I rolled my eyes at that obvious fact. 

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