chapter six

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The damage wasn't too bad but it was worse than I thought it would be. I lightly touched my swollen cheek and inspected the cut above my lip and my left eye that was bleeding  from when she dragged me against he ground. I felt hot tears sting my face.

"she ruined my face" I sobbed to the mirror. I was already ugly but now I'm just hideous. I sat on the toilet and and stared at my hands. I came here to fix my relationship with my daddy and maybe even my mama, but there making it so hard for me to do that .

"Why does this have to happen to me?" I cried silently when the door opened. I looked to see my sister.

"How you holding up sissy? " I shook my head and wiped my tears "I'm not." she sat on my lap and began to stroke my hair then engulfed me in a deep hug filled with love.

"I never understood why she go's to great lengths to hurt you how she does, but Chy you can't disrespect her no matter how much she hurts you, because she is your mama." I knew she was trying to tell me right but I didn't want to hear it so I just nodded.

She smiled at me then went in the bottom cabinet under her sink and got out a first aid kit.

"No,! that stuff hurts!" I told her anxiously. She only laughed and poked out her tongue.

"I see your still afraid of everything that can heal your wounds." it's true that as a child I hated using first aid kits, but I didn't say anything because I caught the double meaning of her words. she pulled out a cotton ball and alcohol then began cleaning my shallow cuts.

"Ouch Riley !" I yelled. She only held my face in place tighter and continued on. She then cleaned the cute on my hands and knees while I bit back shouts of pain, I have zero tolerance for pain. I don't react Well.

"Done! " she exclaimed  satisfied. I slightly smiled but I had too much of a full mind and heavy heart to smile for real.

I got up and went into the small living room where me and and shyne were going to sleep to get some clothes out of my bag. I walked past him with my head bowed. I couldn't look at him when he just saw me at my lowest most belittled point. I quickly

got my clothes and walked back to the bathroom. I ran shower water and tried to relax under the constant stream of hot water. I washed my hair too, just to get the feel of my mama's fingers off of my scalp. when I was done I began drying off and pulled on my shorts and t shirt then slipped on my slippers then brushed my teeth. I came out the bathroom told shyne he could go in, without making any eye contact.

I had Riley help me pull out the bed that was folded inside the sofa.

"I'm beat," she said casually but when I looked at her I saw she seemed sad.

"What's wrong?" It was enough that I was depressed, I didn't want my happy go lucky sister to be sad too.

"Your my baby sister and I love you, I know how you take everything to heart but don't listen to What mama said, she's just angry. " She said with dry eyes but an emotional voice." What I want you to take to heart is that I love you." my eyes filled and my throat got thick with emotions. I reached over and hugged her. Maybe she was right.

"Stop before I cry." she told me laughing.

"I'm bout to go to bed, tell Shyne goodnight." .I nodded as she went to her room.

I put everything out of the way and situated myself on the bed.

I later there trying not to think. I felt the bed dip and an arm  snake itself around my waist.

"I know your not sleep chyna. " I sighed then turned to face him.

"Shyne, please don't think the worst of me." I pleaded. He pulled himself to me and kissed my forehead.

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