Chapter Two: The Fallen

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“It’s a heartrending day when the leader who was loved by many has fallen.”

It’s been about a day now since my grandfather’s demise. No one could have anticipated him passing so soon. It still seems so unreal to us, and I feel like this happened because Ash and I jinxed it by talking about him a few hours before.

Now we have no choice but to choose a new leader. Well, not necessarily choose. My grandfather has a written will which explains what he wanted to happen if he were to pass away, and it also declares who should claim his role. Now, it says who should, not who will. This means that the person is recommended, but it is really up to the clan to decide. The voting age for our clan is seventeen, meaning I’m not able to vote. As it was already mentioned, it’s just my father going up against his brother. I feel fortunate to not be of age to vote for one of them, meaning I would have to betray the other.

In the evening at Lasairiona Temple, the following week…

The funeral is taking place this evening at Lasairiona Temple, in the Kingdom’s Square. Just about everyone in the Fire Clan was there.

We were all wearing red and black cloaks to symbolize our love for not only Keezheekoni, but out of national respect for the Kingdom.

The Lasairiona is an immense temple with many rows that stretch all the way to the back. The stage is also of great size. On the stage was the casket, and surrounding it were wreaths made of red roses. On both sides of the stage were poles, and hanging from them were crystal lights that were releasing small flames in a graceful motion. Behind the casket were twenty-four throne-like chairs. My parents and uncle, along with the other council members sat in the lower row, while Ash, the other selected few, and I was seated in the higher row. I could see everything. I looked ahead and all the way to the back where the rows seemed never-ending. Ash was on my right, and he was looking round as well.

“It looks like the whole clan is here and then some,” he said gazing about over the crowd.

I hadn’t really noticed, but looking around for myself, people were lining the walls. Some were wearing blue cloaks, others green, and lavender. I’m surprised some of the natives of the Water, Earth, and Wind Kingdoms were present.  I believe Muir Deniz was amongst them, but I couldn’t say.

At most services, people shed tears to mourn over their loved ones. Today, I knew that not only were we all sad for the loss, but afraid of where we stood since we no longer have a living head.

I looked down at the row in front of me. My mother was crying, as she hugged a red vase to her chest. In the vase are my grandmother’s ashes. If she were able to, my mother would probably say, “Now you’re both gone.” It’s sad to come to terms with, but that’s where we are. We lost his wife, and now him.

I started crying myself, and Ash put his arm around me. I don’t know if I was crying out of grief or fear, but whatever it was, it was slightly relieved when he leaned towards me.

 “Everything will be alright;” he tried to assure me “we’re all going to be fine.”

I hoped for the day.

As I was wiping my eyes on the sleeve of the cloak, Nachiketa came onto the stage to start the service. He told us to rise, and we did.

“We are all gathered here today for the final farewell to our beloved leader Keezheekoni,” he began “Although it may seem we are lost, and unprotected, we are not truly in that state. Our overseer has prepared for this day many years in advance. He has constructed appropriate plans that will guarantee us of moving forward with our restoration, instead of falling back into being corrupt.”

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