Chapter Three: The Temple's Ashes

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“Destroying the Temple is just the equivalent to spitting in the thousands of faces of the Kingdom.”

          We remained where we were until the Fire Tamers arrived and tried to tame the fire as best as they could. I couldn’t believe someone would burn down the temple, especially with what took place yesterday. 

Ash and Virochan were on both sides of me.

          “Who would do something like this?” Virochan asked with a mixture of awe and disgust. He brought his attention back to the woman, who was starting to come through.

          “Someone with no conscience.” Ash sharply replied.

          I couldn’t say anything. Whatever I thought was already expressed. How could this have happened, and by who? Worry was forming in my stomach. I thought back on what was announced at the funeral:

          “Although it may seem we are lost, and unprotected, we are not truly in that state. Our overseer has prepared for this day many years in advance. He has made sure the appropriate plans were made to guarantee us of moving forward with our restoration, instead of falling back into being corrupt.”

          I had a strong feeling we were moving backwards instead of forwards. After today, we’re about twenty steps back. In my grandfather’s will-

Wasn’t the will in the temple?

I asked the guys and they replied with shrugs. Neither one of them knew.

 Viro said he would stay with the woman, and Ash and I decided to look into it at the Council Office.

The Entrance of the Council Building…

We ran up the steps of the Council Building. When we got to the entrance, Smit stopped us and held his arm out.

          “Has something happened? Why are you two running so fast?” he asked in a tone of suspicion.

          Smit works alongside my parents. He was sitting next to my mother at the service.

          “We need to speak with the council members.” I explained.

          “They’re really busy at this time and can’t be disturbed.”

          Ash stepped between Smit and I. “Look; this is really urgent. We need to see them right away.”

          “What for? Did something happen?”

          “Yeah,” said Ash “Someone burned the temple down.”

          He started briskly walking towards the steps. “Follow me.”

          We followed him up the center stairs, down the hall on the right wing and to the two big wooden doors. He simply opened the doors and rushed in.

          Nachiketa along with the other members looked up in alarm. “What is the meaning of this? Barging in while-”

          Smit held his hand up. “These two have news for all of you.”

          My parents eyed me suspiciously.

          “Go on.” said Nachiketa nodding his head in our direction.

          I stepped forward. “A fire took place in the village.”

          “A fire?” asked my father.

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