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You know those off moods where you're not really sad or happy? You can laugh but you'll just be right back at a frown in an instant? You can still make witty comments or enjoy something, but you just don't completely enjoy it?

You aren't necessarily sad, but you're not necessarily happy either. I just don't feel up to anything rn. I get this a lot in spurts throughout the weeks but it's been really bad today idk. Life can just be real sucky sometimes but goTtA pUSh thRouGH

I'm glad I prewrite stuff cuz I don't feel motivated at all for any of my books... I read and comment which helps a bit but I'm still like this. Idk maybe I'll nap it off? But then I won't sleep tonight & I don't feel like dealing with nightmares already this sounds so stupid and whiney I shouldn't even post this . I guess I'm looking for advice out of the slump before I have to get the suicide watch speech again because I'm not smiling enough for anyones liking idontknowijustdontfeellikeanythingrightnow


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