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Luna's POV:
It was Friday afterschool Lukas said to meet at his house to study. I agreed but hesitated a little. I mean if anyone saw me with him I 'd be DEAD. He said his parents weren't home so it would be peace and quiet. I hopped on my black and white striped skateboard and headed there. I was wearing a dark red t-shirt with a white skull,black skinny jeans with rips at the knees with my high tops. I didn't really care about my hair so I put it in a messy bun. I knocked on the door and a little girl answered. "Hi I'm Luna I'm looking for Lukas?" "Lukas a cute girl wants you!" I blushed a little and that's rare for me to do considering I would punch a guy if they ever tried to flirt with me. Lukas came to the door he looked cu- I mean decent. He was wearing a Star Wars t shirt and dark jeans and some high tops. At least he had decent shoes on.

Lukas' POV:
"Hey Luna!" "Hi" she said back. I noticed she was blushing. It was cute "Sorry that's my sister Margo" "No worries she was adorable" She said "Anyway Come on in! Make yourself feel at home" "So I can spraypaint the walls then?" She laughs and I laugh with her. Her laugh is cute too. "Do you want anything to drink?" "Nah I'm good" she replied Wow I love the way she's just go with the flow you know haha that rhymed. We studied even though Luna wasn't paying much attention. But I was surprised she did work just not a WHOLE lot but she put in some effort. "You know I think I want another tattoo" she said with no hesitation "Oh I would never have the guts to get one" "Would you take me?" Umm I was thinking I mean if my mom ever saw me with her I would be DEAD. "Earth to Lukas!" "Oh I don't know I mean..." She cut me off "Okay great tomorrow second period?" "No!" I said. Too late she already slammed the door and texted me where to meet her I don't know where this was going but I'm ready to go on this adventure with her.

Luna's POV:
I got home and watched my favourite show "Pretty Little Liars" I watched until I heard my mom come in the door I definitely did not want to deal with her. She thinks she has a better life then me because she has a "office job". She always compares me to my Older sister who graduated collage and is "doing something with her life". The thing is I don't want what she has. It's boring! I want the adventure don't know where you're going run away life! I want everyday to be a surprise I want nothing planned! That's exactly what I plan to do when I graduate I will be there for the ceremony and gone for the rest. I started looking at images I want for my tattoo I think I want this quote "I'm living the life where I'm never turning back". I want it across my forearm in my handwriting. I already have a tattoo of my tag sign on my toe. I was tired so I sent the directions to Lukas to the tattoo parlour where I wanted to go and I went to sleep

Lukas' POV:
I got a text from Luna. She sent me the directions and map to the tattoo parlour were going to...I can't believe I'm going through with this! I watched Star Trek the rest of the night. I had to take care of Margo because my mom and dad are on a business trip to Cuba. Of course they are always away. Even when I was a kid I was taken care of by a nanny my parents hired. I never saw them more than twice a year. It sucked I am NOT letting Margo have that life. That's why when I graduate I am going to move away to a big town where Margo can live free and be happy! I would've wanted that. Anyways I'm tired so I tucked Margo in to bed and shut her lights off and kissed her good night and fell asleep because tomorrow. I'm going with a rebel girl on her crazy adventure and she picked me to go with her.

                                                    To be Continued!

~Hope you enjoyed! This was quite a LONG Chapter but I hope you enjoyed! Thank you for the 10 reads! It means a lot!! What do you think do you ship Luka? Tell me in the comments down below!~ -author Kitty 

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