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I woke up with my hair all over and breath stink. I love mornings. It's like a brand new day. I turn over to see Odell sleep like a baby. He was slobbering all over. "Baby" I whisper.

"Hmm" he turn to me. "Good morning babe"

"Good morning Mr. Beckham, now can you go brush your teeth" we both chuckle. He got up and walk to the bathroom.

"What time we picking up Payton" he ask. Today was the day I'm seeing Payton again. Stephanie wanted me to keep her while she work.

"Umm" I look at my phone. "Around 12:40" I got up walking to omar and Shaun bedroom.

"Come on little guys get up" Shaun woke up and look at me smiling. He's the most sweetest baby I ever seen. He got up from his bed. Omar was still sleep. He's just like Odell, never wake up till I wake them up.

"Baby, when Payton come over here, we can take the kids to the park or by my mom"Odell said. I nod my head waking grumpy omar up.

"Ok, I'm bout to give omar and re'shaun a bath"--"can you help me out with these two please"

"Fine, I don't have nothing else to do" he carried omar to the bathroom. Re'shaun was right behind me.


"Hi Payton" I hug her. She had on her little Elmo shirt with leggings and cute sparkle boots. She also was wearing the jacket I gave her.

"Mama mama" she pointed at the toy shop we pass by.

"I know, I see it" I walk her to the car where Odell was. I help her into the car putting on her seatbelt.

"Wassup Payton" Odell said. She smile so hard.

"Ok baby let's go"


Me and Odell was laying on the blanket we brought. Omar was crawling around trying to stand, Payton ran off to the swings. For a 2 year old, she run fast. And for re'shaun, he was busy licking the ice cream and kept stealing Odell one. "Odell what you think the baby will be"

"Another boy" he smile then laugh.

"I think it's a girl" I smile rubbing my stomach.

"I dont care what it is, I'm happy that I'm a father again" he kiss my lips. We heard Payton running back towards us.

"What's wrong Payton" I said. She was holding something green in her hands. "What is that"I ask Odell. He grab the green thing and look at it.

"It's money"--" $1,000" who would give a child $1,000?


I stared at the little girl running around with other little children. She looks just like her mommy. I then turned my head to Pandora and Odell. If only she knew.

"Hey little girl" I said. I reach in and grab a $1,000. She came up to me. "What's your name"

"Pwayton" she said shyly.

"Hi" i shook her hand. "Can you give this to that lady and man over there"she look at Pandora.

" mama"she said.

"Yeah your mama, good bye little one" I stood up and walk away. If only she knew?

By Your Side {Book 6} Where stories live. Discover now