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Charles Perez in 'MM'

Me and Odell made it back to the house with the kids. The trio was very tired, accept Payton. I was like she wanted to go to sleep, but she can't. "Ok Payton lets go take a bath"I grab her hand. When I was taking her clothes off, a dollar bill drop out her pocket. " what's this"

"Mama, mwan gave me thwat"a man?

"What he look like?" Why would I ask a two year that. She doesn't really know what he look like. I open it up and see that it was a $1,000. Then there was a number on it. '212-390-7858' it said it on the bottom in a red permanent marker.

"Hey, it's safe to come in"Odell knock on the door.

"I'm coming out" I walk out and close the door behind me. "I want you to look at this" I showed him the money and the number on it.

"What kind of man gives a child $1,000" he said narrowing his eyebrows.

"Same thing I said, unless he knows something about Payton" I said.

"Let's call this guy and see what he have to say"


I woke up to the sound of my phone going off. My wife move over and look at me. "Who is that calling so damn early in the morning"she said in a raspy voice.

"I don't know"I press the decline button. "Ima call later" I laid back down and close my eyes. All of a sudden, the phone ring again.

"Just answer the damn phone!" My wife semi yelled. I sigh and answer the phone.

Phone convo:

Charles- hello

?- who is this

Charles- I should be asking you the same question

?-are you the person that gave my daughter money and a phone number on it

Charles- yes I did, I wanted to talk to you

?- about

Charles- about Payton and her mother

?-where you want to meet

Charles- it don't matter,my house or yours

?- why not a restaurant

Charles- I hate when people listen to my convo, plus I can't be that area

?- well, your house then

Charles- ok see you around 2

?- ok deal

Charles- oh and next time, call a little late in the morning not early

I hung up and continue back to sleep.

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