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I jogged outside the house ready for my morning workouts. First I jog, then do push-ups and finally some bench press. I put on my Dr. Dre red beats and started jogging. As I was jogging, I kept thinking about re'shauan, omar and Payton. I can't wait till my baby girl is here.

After my jog, I went inside to gym and started working out. I look to my side to see my phone ringing.

Phone convo:

*Sigh*'Hello'- Odell

'Hey, how's New York'- Pandora

'Im fine, I'm back at football practice'- Odell

'Thats good bae, um I wanted to tell you that ima be coming home in two weeks'- Pandora

'What the fuck, P what the fuck you mean you staying for two weeks, baby I need you in bed by my side'- odell

'odell, calm down its only two weeks, you have practice and a games'- Pandora

'Pandora please come home earlier then that, two weeks without seeing you'- Odell

'Odell, please i want to help Maria out and the job is like falling apart, please let me stay '- Pandora

'Ok, fine ima let you stay '- Odell

'Thanks baby'- Pandora

'You have omar with you right'- Odell

'No Odell, when I got to California your mom said she was there also so I drop him off with her, I don't know if she took him back to New York'- Pandora

'Ok, and Payton'- Odell

'She with Stephanie'- Pandora

'ima call my mom and be safe in Cali'- Odell

'K, love you baby'- Pandora

'Love you too *smiles*'- Odell

Phone convo over:

I sigh thinking about Pandora. Why? Why she have to stay in California for two weeks. You know what, ima get a plane ticket to California. I don't want to lose her again.


I hung up with Odell. I got out of Maria guest bed and walk to her kitchen. Maria was in her kitchen making some breakfast. "Aren't you going on a date"

"This is for you"she said.

"Oh ok"I sat down. I look at the eggs she was cooking and the pancakes. It reminds me of Grandma. She sat the plate down and storm out the kitchen. What's wrong with her?

By Your Side {Book 6} Where stories live. Discover now