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"Odell, I thought you had the bag"I said walking out the doors of the hospital. I'm so happy that I'm leaving finally. Paris was in her car seat while Odell was holding omar.

"I put the bag in the car, why your so worried today"Odell said.

"I don't know, I feel like something bad gone happen"I said.

"What you mean"Odell look at me.

"I mean, I don't know"I sigh heavily. Odell put omar in his car seat then put Paris in her seat. I sat in the back watching Paris sleep.

"What you want to eat"Odell ask.

"I want some chicken with shrimp fried rice"I said rubbing my stomach. I'm so hungry. That hospital food wasn't doing me any good.

"Ok, dragon garden it is"odell pull off. I look at my phone to see that Pueblo text.


Pueblo- baby sis, have you heard from dad

Me- yeah, he call me yesterday why?😐

Pueblo- I don't know, he ain't answering me so I guess something happened😥

Me- well ima call him today again and see why😊

Pueblo- ok, how's the baby

Me- fine, she's sleep

Pueblo- and my nephew

Me- playing with his toy

Pueblo- K call me when you call dad

Me- ok

"Who was you texting so important"Odell said.

"Pueblo, said that dad wasn't picking up the phone"I said.

"Maybe your dad doesn't want to talk to y'all, he trying to relax"odell said. "Him and your mom"

"You heard from them?"i ask.

"Yeah, babe I gave them tickets to Hawaii"Odell said. That's why he ain't answering. "Stay here ima go order and get the food"

"Ok"I sigh. I look at my phone to see another text, from trey. How he got my number.

Trey- you and odell need to come quick

By Your Side {Book 6} Where stories live. Discover now