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"Omg Pandora you look wonderful"my aunt said walking in my room. My cousin was doing my makeup and hair. Paris was sitting in the seat looking around. She was so cute with her dress on and her cute little shoes.

"Is I done yet?"I ask my cousin.

"No not yet, in a lil"she said. I sigh looking at nails.

"When I'm gone be done tho"I said.

"In a few"she said. I nod my head. She continue to do my face and hair. Finally she was done. "Ok girl, now you can look"she turn my chair to the mirror. When I look and seen my face and hair, I couldn't believe it. I looked like a princess.

My hair was all curly like I wanted

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My hair was all curly like I wanted. The makeup wasn't heavy. It was a light colored makeup.

"Gracias primo (thanks cousin)"I hug her.

"En cualquier momento (anytime)"she smile.

"Ok time to put on your dress bebita"my mom said. Everybody was already dress accept me. I walk to my dress and shoes. I was thinking about wearing sandals.

"Pandora hurry, the wedding starts in like ten minutes"my aunt said.

"Ok im coming"I put on my dress with the help of my other cousins. After the dress, I put on my shoes.

I walk out the dressing room to the hall. I look outside to see the limo was here. I hop in the limo fixing my dress and hair.


I gulp down my saliva looking around. People was everywhere. From Odell family to TMZ and my family and coworkers. Oh god.

"Bebita"I look at my mom. "You ok"

"I'm nervous mamá"I said.

"Don't be, when I married your father, I was nervous too but I suck it up and walk out there with pride loyalty and love for that man, I'm not gone back down"she said. Her words sunk in and I had enough guts to open the door and look out. Odell was smiling wide at me and wink.

My dad help me out the limo and walk me down the aisle. Everybody was snapping pictures. Finally I got down the aisle to the alter and smile at Odell.

"Ready for this"he said.

"Been ready"I smile at him.


The reception was on the beach at night. The music was playing, food was delicious, and it the weather was nice. Me and odell went walking in the beach to have some peace and quiet.

By Your Side {Book 6} Where stories live. Discover now