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It was a sad feeling in my gut. I couldn't sleep or eat. Of course I fed my daughter and son, but I kept thinking about re'shauan. I wonder, what if they put him in foster care because Trey might not take care of him? What if we won't see him again?

I need to do something. I need to make this family happier. Specially Odell. He been sobbing all day for raegan. I kind of felt guilty. I should of left him alone. Leave him with raegan so she can have a better life. It was all my fault. She did that because she wanted Odell back and live a perfect life. Now look where she is. In heaven.  Looking down at me shaking her head saying is this want you finally wanted bitch, then you got it, you can have Odell cheating ass and live a perfect life.

I began crying sliding down the wall. I'm so dumb and stupid. Why did said yes. I shook my head rubbing my eyes. I sigh looking at a picture of me and odell with omar smiling. I got up taking the picture down. I couldn't look at this. I walk outside with the picture and through it in the garbage can. It wasn't a big picture.

"Hi Mrs. Beckham are you ok"this old lady came towards me. Mrs. Beckham? I can't be Mrs. Beckham anymore.

"Im sorry, I'm not a Mrs. Beckham"i smile.

"Oh but you said y'all was married"she said.

"No mam, we're not, not yet"i walk back inside. I lock the door going to my room. I laid down on the bed sobbing uncontrollably. I couldn't do this anymore.

Sorry for a short Chapter. But I have three more chapters left and I'm done with this book. This is the last book with Pandora and odell.

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