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¶few months later¶

"Odell"I look behind me to see my mother. "Why you not stopping Pandora"

"Stopping Pandora from doing what"I roll my eyes continue to do my bench press.

"She's leaving back to Dominican Republic, what about the wedding"my mom said. Forget the wedding, forget all of this shit. I'm focusing on football and that's it.

"So"I said.

"So, Odell this is your wife and kids, you might not see them again"it look like she was bout to cry.

"Mom, let her go, I tried stopping her but it didn't work"I sigh getting off my bench press.

"I heard what happened to raegan, I'm so sorry Odell"I frown hearing her name. "But that doesn't mean that this family have to break up"

"I know how Pandora feel, she thinks it's her fault for stealing raegan husband, she said she should of left you alone and let y'all have a perfect life"

"It wasn't her fault, it was mines"I said. "I should of left her alone like Carlos said, but I couldn't, she was so darn sexy and beautiful momma I couldn't leave her alone"

"Well go after her if you think she still is sexy and beautiful"she smile.

I went to get my shirt and keys. I hop in my Bentley and drove off fast as I could. The airport wasn't far but with traffic in the way, it would be hard to get there.


I sat down looking a different magazines waiting for my flight. Paris was playing with her toy while Omar was on my phone.

"Gate 376, to Dominican Republic, gate 376, to Dominican Republic"

"Come on"I pick up Paris and grab omar hand. As I was walking, I heard a voice in the distance. Someone was calling me.

"Pandora"I look back and saw Odell. Omar let go of my hand and went to Odell.

"Daddy"he hug Odell. Paris started jumping in my arms.

"Odell why are you here"I said.

"Pandora dont leave me ok, I need you, as my wife"he said.

"Odell I love you, but this is very hard for me"I said.

"What's hard for you? I don't get it"He said

"Odell, it's all my fault, it's all my fault"I cried. Odell sigh and hug me tight.

"P, it ain't your fault ok, it was nobody fault, not mines or you, she just probably had enough of life and wanted to go"he said.

"That was a mean thing to say"I hit his shoulder.

"Like I was saying, I don't want you to leave because you feel bad that you ruined Raegan life, when I first looked at you I knew you was something special"that made me felt happy.

"Where did you and Raegan met?"I ask.

"One of my friends introduce us and bout like a months later we was suppose to get married, her parents told her to marry me but I didn't like that, so I left the marriage thing alone and focus on something better"he said.

I sigh and look at my kids. They do need a father and running to Dominican Republic isn't helping. I hate running away from my problems.

"Ok fine, ima stay"he smile at me.

"I love you Pandora, always will"we kiss for about a minute till this lady came up to us.

"Are you getting on this plane"

Was this chapter boring or stupid cause I think it was.

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