Outside Interference

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Sam wasn't quite sure where she was headed or why she was so angry, but with a determined pace, she made her way to Main Street. Decidedly not making eye contact with the residents, she nearly knocked over an unfortunate passerby. The blonde was startled, but kept her composure.

"You alright there, kid? You've got a bit of a storm cloud hanging over you."

Sam breathed deeply. Why is everyone in this damn town so friendly?

"I'll be fine. That Gold fellow is the real storm cloud around here though."

"Hm tell me about it. I'm Emma, by the way. Can't say I've seen you around before."

"That's because you haven't," she sassed back. "My dad provided me with a way to travel the realms and this town is one of the spots I've stopped in. Things were going great until I learned Gold has a major grudge against my dad. And he's taking it out on me even though Belle seems to enjoy my company."

"Yeah, he tend to have that effect on people. Who's your dad?"


Emma arm hair stood on end, despite the warm weather. That was the last name she expected to hear. She looked the younger woman in the eyes and saw something she had long forgotten. Slowly, things began to fall into place for the Savior, yet her face remained unmoved. Once again, Samantha recounted her story and the how Hades described her "parents". Oh, yes, she was exactly who Emma feared she was. It was that, or the biggest coincidence of all time. Only one thing remained.

"I'm sorry, but what'd you say your name was?"

"Samantha Rose. But everyone calls me Sam."


"Something wrong, Emma?"

"What? No, I just...." Emma blundered for an answer. "I thought you were someone else.... Sorry, kid, but I've got to go. Always something for the Sheriff to do around here. See ya around!"

And with that, Emma hurried off. Straight to her parents apartment.

"Guys, we need to talk." Her parents looked up from where they were playing with Neal, who had recently turned four years old. He smiled and ran to his sister, insisting she pick him up. 

"What's wrong, Emma?" Snow asked, seeing the obvious concern on her daughter's face.

"It's Gold's daughter. She's here, in Storybrooke." Both of her parents wore concerned looks now, too. 

"What do you want us to do about it, Emma?" David asked.

"Tell her! Tell Belle! They need to know."

"Emma, we can't," Snow offered.

"Remember what Gold said would happen if we did? I can't take the chance he would fulfill that threat," David explained. 

"But Samantha deserves to know. Belle deserves it. Don't you guys remember what that was like?" Emma blurted, then thought for a moment. "Actually, never mind. You don't remember because of the curse... but I remember. I spent my whole life wondering about who you guys were. I had nothing, no names, no pictures, no rumors. I didn't even have a reason to hate you."

"Emma, we understand what you're saying, but it just wouldn't work. Even if she does find out about her parents,and if Gold doesn't doom us all for going against him, Hades has painted an image of them that can't be just wiped away. He's taught her to hate them and she has no reason to not believe what he told her. There's no way Samantha would stay with them," David tried to impose upon Emma.

"And imagine what that would do to Belle," Snow quietly interrupted. "To find out she had a daughter - has one - who was taken away. One who she's come to care for unknowingly, just to have her own daughter resent her mother."

Emma could hear echoes of her own relationship with her mother in Snow White's words. She knew she would get no where debating with her parents. There was only one person Emma could think of who might actually be willing to help. She pulled out her phone and left her parents' apartment, headed toward her next - and last - hope.

"Regina? I need your help."


Huge S/O to avaxman for the big reveal prompt! It'll span over several chapters, hopefully providing a closer and more emotional look at everyone involved. 

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