The Most Powerful Magic

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"They'll just keep coming, you know. As long as there's an Underworld... "

"I don't think I'm ready to go back, Leonidas."

"It's been over a year."

"By two weeks and three days," Sam relented. "I don't want to go back and be a disappointment. I can't be the daughter they want me to be..."

Leonidas gave a deep sigh. Without his hooded cloak, he was a normal person. 

"Samantha Rose... do you remember the first time we met?"

"Haha oh God! As if either of us could forget..."

"Your first trip outside the Underworld all by yourself and you came to my realm. My father wasn't too happy when a stranger magically appeared in the middle of his war counsel... But in those two weeks you were there, I fell in love with you, remember?"

"Yeah...and Hades killed you for it."

"Well there is that...hell, all we ever did was hold hands... but it let me be here, waiting for you every time you came back from traveling. Every time Hades made you do terrible things, I was able to be there for you. I don't think Hades realized that when he killed me. Sam, I've seen every side of you, every mood, every time. For years now. You will never disappoint me because you resent the things you've done. Hades? He does not define you. Only you can do that."

Sam stared out over the water. They stood at the pier where she had sent her parents back to Storybrooke. Leonidas' arm came around her and his chin came to rest on top of her head as she continued to gaze.

"I check in on them occasionally, ya know. They don't know it," Sam admitted. She conjured a crystal ball and showed Leonidas. The image before them was Rumple and Belle at Granny's diner. They sat in their usual booth, both on one side of the table. "You know how I know they're waiting for me? That's how we all sat the first time we had dinner together. Belle told me that they used to sit across from each other when it was just the two of them, but now...I told them not to wait for me. To go live their lives. They've waited for me for over a year, Leonidas."

"Then why keep them waiting any longer?" he asked. Sam finally looked up at him.

"Because I don't want to leave you. I don't have magic anymore, I won't be able to come back once I'm gone."

"I bet Hades had some magic laying around just in case. Have you ever looked?"

"I'm not going to willingly take magic back. I gave it up willingly. Taking it back could be an insult to what 'sacrifice' means."

"You and your damn pride," he joked. Playfully, she smacked his chest.

"Oh come on, you love me for it!"

"That I do, Samantha. I love you," and he kissed her. Protectively, he wrapped his other arm around her as she kissed him back. He pulled back enough to mumble, their lips still touching, "I always did like the taste of strawberries..."

"Dead people can't taste," she mumbled back and returned her lips to his. Suddenly, she stopped and pulled out of his embrace, eyes wide. "Dead people can't taste. Does this mean -"

"True Love's kiss? Apparently! And apparently, you still have some magic about you," he smirked. "And from the looks of it, it's the purest light magic I've ever seen."

"But, how?"

"Because, you have had everything taken from you, yet you continue to sacrifice for others. For those you love. Maybe the universe decided to start giving back to you." He truly believed the words he had spoken. "Now, come on. If we hurry, we might still make it back in time for dinner at this Granny's Diner you speak of. 


Samantha and Leonidas entered the back of the diner, hoping to surprise her parents. The couple was spotted sitting in their booth, just as Sam had seen in her crystal ball. She watched as they laughed and enjoyed each other's company, only pausing to eat their fresh burgers. Granny noticed the young girl and her companion, but said nothing. With a snap of her fingers, Sam sent a note to the old lady. 

If you would, Granny, please send two burgers with pickles to the Golds. And, please, say nothing. I'd like to surprise them.

Granny smiled across the diner at her and set to work on her request. It took only moments for the meal to be ready and set on the Rumple and Belle's table. The older lady walked away before Gold could complain. Sam hesitated before approaching. Leonidas slipped his hand into hers and gave a small reassuring squeeze. Mustering her determination and with her True Love in tow, Sam strode towards the table.

"Hope you didn't wait too long for us," she announced nonchalantly. "I took the liberty of ordering for myself."

Belle nearly knocked over the table as she jumped up to wrap her daughter in a warm embrace. After a moment, Sam wrapped her arms around Belle and buried her face in Belle's shoulder. She risked a peek at Rumplestiltskin and found him looking right back at her, obviously on the verge of tears. 

"Of course we waited for you, sweetheart," Belle told Sam, withdrawing from the embrace to look her daughter in the eye. "One year, two -

"Two weeks and three days," Rumplestiltskin finished. Ever the Dark One, he was quick to hide his softness and indicated the young man watching the family. "And who might you be?"

"Me? Oh, well, uh I'm... umm well..." 

Belle was quick to catch on to his nervousness mixed with Sam's blushing. 

"He's my True Love, guys," Sam finally admitted, taking his hand and drawing him closer. "He is a bit harder to recognize without his cloak and hood though. Mom, Dad, this is Leonidas."

The young man smiled awkwardly, still eyeing the silent Dark One. Belle was quick to hug the young man and welcome him. Belle did not miss the fact that Sam had called her "mom" and gave her another hug, whispering I love you  to the young lady. Finally, they all settled into the booth. Mr. and Mrs. Gold took their seat across from the younger couple. Gold still eyed the young man.

"So. True Love, you say?"

"Um, yes, sir. I mean, only True Love's kiss could have brought me back to life, right?"

"It would seem so," Rumple replied flatly. Unable to continue his stony charade any longer, a smile spread across the Dark One's face. "Well then, welcome to the family, Leonidas."

"Thank you, sir, but if I may ask, what is this?" the young man indicated to the hamburger in front of him. The other three laughed, forgetting Leonidas was from another realm. 

"It's a hamburger," Belle told him. "Granny's make the best."

"You know, you should try it with ketchup," Rumple advised, sliding the bottle over, "Condiments are this worlds most powerful magic."


Samantha RoseWhere stories live. Discover now