Something stronger than magic

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Rumplestiltskin locked the door behind him and let out a deep breath. Never had he imagined this day would arrive. He proceeded to the back of the shop, sat down at his desk, and sat with his head in his hand. After a few moments, his shoulders began to jerk as he allowed his sobs to overtake him. With a shaky hand, he open his bottom drawer and withdrew a bottle of whiskey.  Forgoing a glass, he drank from the bottle, needing to drown his emotions.

Every word Samantha had spoken aligned with the truth Rumplestiltskin knew: she was their daughter. Rumple owed Hades his second child, which was his first child with Belle. The only way Rumple could keep his child was to did what Hades demanded of him once they returned home. Hades had brought Belle to the Underworld for Rumple while their group continued to find a way back to Storybrooke after rescuing Hook. Rumple made one more deal with Hades: send them all home, and Hades would be guaranteed Rumple's child a week after it's birth. Once home, Rumple found every excuse to not be with Belle all day. He simply didn't want to come to love their child, only to have to give it away. He spent that time doing everything Hades had asked of him. 

True to his word, Hades arrived a week after Samantha Rose was born and whisked her away to the Underworld. After spending days crying and cursing both Hades and Rumple, Belle slipped into a quiet depression. Enough was enough. Rumple mixed a forgetting potion into her tea soon after and Belle was back to her normal self again. Rumple had gone full Dark One mode and warned all the townspeople never to speak of Belle's pregnancy again.

But Rumplestiltskin never allowed himself to forget. He always smiled for Belle because her happiness was his. But when he was alone in his shop, he let himself go. He drank, not caring it was still morning. Alcohol was him magic of choice these days. By now, he was able to make himself presentable enough and appear sober when it was time to go home to Belle. As far as he knew, she never suspected a thing. This had gone on for three years, and now, here she was. They had enjoyed dinner together and she was to stay in their house. 

Neither or the women knew the truth and he knew, if they ever learned, it would not come easily. Oh, yes, these next days were going to require a lot more whiskey.

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