Dinner for Three

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"The Underworld? But how's that possible?" They arrived at Granny's faster than Belle expected and early for her dinner with Mr. Gold, who was nowhere to be seen. Belle sat in her and Gold's usual booth and Sam followed, sitting across from Belle, her back to the door.

Sam couldn't tell what this woman's interest in her was, but her intentions seemed innocent and just plain curious. She had noticed Belle's eyes light up at the mention of travelling the worlds and sensed a similar love for adventure. Sam trusted Belle. 

"It's a bit complicated, but Hades, my dad-"

"Hades is your father?!" Belle exclaimed. Today was just full of surprises.

"No, just my dad. He did business with a couple who didn't keep their end of the deal, so as payment, he kept their newborn child and brought her back to the Underworld with him. Me. Shortly, he discovered he couldn't care for an infant and used his magic to progress my age. He made me seventeen years old, always joking that the two things he couldn't handle were infants and sixteen year old girls," she explain, chuckling at the last part. "That was 3 years ago. He may be the Lord of the Underworld but he did raise me. And I love him for that." 

Belle's eyes shifted away from Sam and lit up as Rumplestiltskin entered the diner. 

"Good evening, sweetheart," Rumple murmured as Belle rose to embrace him. She pulled back from their embrace and smiled. "What are you smiling at, love? Are you up to something?"

"No, but, I do want to introduce you to someone," she giggled, motioning for Sam to stand and face Mr. Gold. She did as much, bringing her face to his. "This is Sam."

Rumplestiltskin's stomach dropped lower than his feet as his eyes connected with the young lady in front of him. It can't be. 

"I'm Sam. Samantha Rose, actually," extending her hand towards him. He quickly regained his composure and shook her hand. "And does Belle's husband have a name?"

"Rumplestiltskin, dear," he said with a soft smile, then gestured for them all to sit. Belle took her place next to Rumple and Sam sitting across. Leaving Rumplestiltskin to face Sam's spellbinding, pale blue eyes again. It simply wasn't possible, he kept telling himself.

"Rumplestiltskin? As in, the darkest Dark One, Rumplestiltskin?" she inquired. He allowed himself a half-smile and a small nod. "Oh, my dad has told me all about you. All the people you've sent to him. He told me about how you lead a group to save your dead pirate friend. How very brave."

He thought he would be sick, hearing so much about Hades again, and in front of Belle. She really has no idea. "And just how have you managed to survive down there? You don't seem dead to me."

"Perks of being the daughter of the god of the Underworld, I guess. He kept me alive so that I could travel with him someday. It's not always fun being the only living person down there. There's always been a longing embedded in me to go live somewhere where everyone is alive like me."

Granny arrived with three burgers, her eyes searching Samantha carefully. Her gaze shifted to Mr. Gold, who's eyes demanded Granny not say a word about the girl. As the three ate, Sam recounted her story to Mr. Gold. As soon as he had finished his meal, he stood up and turned to Belle.

"I'm sorry, sweetheart, but I've got to finish some work at my shop. I'll be home a little later," he said, kissing her forehead. 

"Rumple, wait," she interjected, then turned to Sam, "You never told us if you have somewhere to stay."

"I'm sure I could stay here, I saw a sign about rooms available," Sam countered.

"Nonsense, you can stay with us! We've got a spare room," Belle smiled, hoping Sam would accept. Sam saw this, and conceded. Belle turned to her husband, the same smile on her face, hoping to convince him of the same. As much as he did not want this, he simple couldn't deny his wife. He nodded in approval and left.

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