New in town

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The small bell above the library doors jingled as the doors opened. Belle looked up and was greeted by an unfamiliar face. She quickly rose from behind her desk to approach the stranger; it was nearly closing time and it was Belle's night out with her husband.

"Can I help you find something?" 

The young girl turned to face Belle, giving her to chance to really see the stranger in full. She was a young lady, no older than 21 if Belle had to guess. Her dark blonde hair was pulled into a pony tail and her pale blue eyes reminded Belle of her own. Her tank top revealed a slim body with strong shoulders.

"I'm just wondering where the best place to eat is around here." Belle smiled and motioned toward the door.

"Well, I just happened to be going to the exact place you're looking for. I'll walk with you." Belle ushered the young lady out the door and locked up behind them. "I'm Belle, by the way. May I ask, who are you?"

"You can call me Sam."

"Why don't you tell me about yourself?" Belle knew she wanted to know this girl, but Sam was reluctant to give up much information about herself.

"Well... after years and years of asking, my dad finally is letting me travel all over the world, even to different realms. I stop home after every trip, tell him all about it, where I want to go next and he tells me a bit about that world. I told him that I wished to travel to the Enchanted Forrest, but he suggested this place instead."

"And what world are you originally from?" Belle prodded.

"Originally? I have no idea. But where I grew up? Ha, you wouldn't believe me if I told you." Although she said it with a chuckle, a darker tone clouded Sam's words.

"Try me," Belle commented. After everything she, Rumple, and this town have been through, almost nothing surprises her. She glanced over at the young girl walking beside her and saw the hesitance in her eyes still. After a deep breath, Sam uttered an answer that really did surprise Belle.

"The Underworld."

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