Lift the Veil

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If Rumple could've spent his day with just Roland, he'd have no complaints. The young boy was nearly eight years old now and reminded Rumple of Baelfire quite a bit. He had no problems with Robin, it was just nice to be away from adults sometimes. They had a tendency you judge you based on your past. Kids didn't care so much about that.

Although Rumplestiltskin was a bit suspicious of his wife and Samantha, he didn't push the matter. He told himself that they were nice enough not to try and force him to be nice to Sam as long as he respected Belle's choice to spend time with her. They, of course, hadn't told him what it was they would be doing today. The two women arrived to see Emma and Regina making some final preparations and whispering between themselves. 

"There's no way to excuse it. Just skip the explanation and go right to the potion. It'll be easier on everyone..." Emma let her thought trail as she noticed Sam approach Regina's office door. The mayor smiled, hoping their conversation had not been overheard. If it had been, neither Belle nor Sam gave any indication.

"Good morning, ladies. Do you wish to get started right away?"

Belle nodded eagerly and stepped into the middle of the room to join Emma and Regina, while Samantha kept near the door. She was more than willing to help, but she had heard some of what Emma had been saying. Something about this whole thing was unsettling. Still, she said nothing. If Belle trusted them, that would be good enough for her. She only joined the other three when they indicated it was time to begin.

"Alright, Belle, you'll need to drink this," Regina handed her a small bottle. "Give it a couple seconds, then you should start to see your memories, but they will most likely be fragmented. After another moment or two, she'll need you, Sam. Just put your hand on her shoulder or whatever you feel comfortable with. Just make sure you maintain contact. That's the only way to ensure your magic restores everything."

"You guys ready?" Emma asked. Samantha only nodded.

"What if...what if I don't like what I remember? I mean, Rumple must have taken my memories for a reason, right?"

"Your husband is carrying a great burden, Belle. This is the only way you can help him," Regina offered as comfort. Sam gave a small, reassuring smile to Belle. 

Belle took a deep breath. She looked at the three women, settling on the youngest. Belle continued to gaze at Samantha as she drank the bittersweet potion. Belle shut her eyes and relaxed, letting the potion work its magic.

It was a strange feeling. Like a warm blanket being pulled over you. Belle did not feel as though she were in Storybrooke anymore, but neither did it feel like she were in any realm. She was not unused to the feel of magic; she was, after all, in love with a sorcerer. Belle felt the magic course through every vein in her body, every cell, every thought. In her mind's eye, she turned and saw herself. 

Belle and Rumplestiltskin stood facing each other. She recognized their surrounding as her library, but it was not like her library. This library reeked of neglect, even misuse; the shelves were mostly bare and scattered about. In a word: hellish.  Belle came to the realization she was seeing herself in the Underworld. She saw herself overcome with joy, then grieved in moments, although she could not see why. The scene began to spin as Belle's memory took her to another time.

Rumplestiltskin was confronting Hades, the Heroes stood behind Rumple, depending on him. She did not see herself. It took only a moment to realize Rumplestiltskin was making a deal to get them all out of the Underworld. In an instant, everyone was back in Storybrooke. A memory of pain wracked through her body.

"Belle? Belle, are you okay?" She recognized Emma's voice through the magic. "Help her, kid."

A new wave of magic flooded through Belle. She felt a hand in her own but saw no one next to her. 

Sam. This magic was different. This magic felt Rumplestiltskin. But it also felt like pure light magic. Belle's mind flooded with months full of memories, all at once and yet distinct from each other. 

"It happened, Belle..... neither exists without the do what you can to protect the ones you love..."

"We're going to have a baby? .....I'd never resort to dark magic...... you do whatever it takes...."

A baby. That was Rumple's secret. Again, Belle saw the group confronting Hades and this time she heard her husband making the deal. Or at least making the best of their situation. None of them were allowed to leave. Rumple owed Hades his child but he had promised Belle to fight Hades and keep their child. Even if he could save their child, they would still be trapped. Hades was pushing Gold's willpower. Give up his child, give up his fight to save their baby, and Hades would send everyone home. Gold agreed on the condition that Hades would wait a week after their baby was born. Satisfied that he had broken the Dark One, Hades did as he promised. Belle saw herself, unaware of the deal that had been made, trying to get her husband to spend time with her. Consistently, he denied her requests and dedicated himself to work. He told her that he was working so much now so he didn't have to when it came time for them to be a family. 

Pain shot through her body once again, as her memory showed her in labor. Rumple was at her side, stroking her hair, holding her hand, and whispering reassurances in her ear. A small cry was heard and after a few moments, a baby was placed in Belle's arms. Her husband pointed out a spot on the baby's right wrist, noticing how it was the same shape of the chip in Belle's teacup. Belle heard one last thing that caused her to snap out of the magic.

"You are loved, my little princess. My Samantha Rose Gold."

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