From the Outside

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Belle watched as her husband and daughter darted up and down streets, looking for the way out while avoiding those hellish creatures. She heard her daughter repeatedly prodding her father on: "We're almost there!", "Run faster!". One thing that did not escape her attention was the way Sam was now calling him "Rumple" instead of "Dark One" or "Gold". Maybe neither of them realized it, but Belle saw a father and daughter finally working together.

Mrs. Gold was alone in a room she could only describe as a dungeon. It was void of anything besides a crystal ball that levitated in the middle of the room. showing her what her family was up to. There were no windows, only a door which shimmered with magic. There would be no escaping.


"Go back! Back that way!" Sam shouted. It seemed like hoards of creatures were filling every street they turned down.

"And why can't you just magic us out of this?" Rumple huffed.

"You always said it best, all magic comes with a price. And the price of my magic is pretty high."

"That didn't seem to be a problem back in Storybrooke, dearie."

"Magic is different down here."

Rumple never questioned anything she didn't offer an explanation for. When they finally reached a different part of town, they slowed back to a walk, not really sure where to go next. An uncomfortable silence settled over them. He wanted to talk to his daughter, get to know her, but he really didn't know how. Sam noticed.

"I'm sorry, Rumple."

"What ever for?"

"For being a disappointment. And don't say that I'm not because I can see it. I saw it when I told you that I've killed people.


hmm. reading thru this at a later date and i see that the last part of the story never saved. sorry! i vaguely remember it and i'll try to fix it soon

Samantha RoseWhere stories live. Discover now