Murky Waters

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"What the living hell was that?!" It seemed Sam was the only one able to vocalize her complete shock in that moment. She turned to Emma, angry.

"Hold on, kid, we can explain..."

"Like hell you can! I didn't ask for this! How the hell do you explain all of this? How does the Dark One get bullied into giving up his kid to the god of the Underworld? How does and entire town get bullied into silence? I'd really love to hear you explain this."

"I promise there's an explanation, we just -"

"Save it." Sam disappeared in a cloud of colored smoke.

"Well, she certainly takes after her father..." Regina mumbled. Both women turned to Belle. She hadn't moved, but her expression had changed. Her face was pale, her teary eyes showed shock, and her chin quivered with emotion. "Are you okay, Belle?"

Belle's eyes flicked up to Regina as she struggled to form words. 

"My daughter?" Emma could only nod in response. They owed Belle a huge apology, but it would have to wait. Belle remembered the things Sam told her about her 'parents'. A sudden urgency swept over her. "I have to find her."

Belle left as quickly as Sam had. She found herself drawn to the pond where they had spent time the previous day, and it was there she found her daughter, standing at the edge of the pond.

"Please don't be upset with me, Samantha."

"Why would I be upset with you, Belle? You're not the one who traded me away," she bit out the last words. "At least now I have a reason to hate my father."

"I'm upset with him, too! But don't hate him. My memory is one thing but we don't know the whole story. Just, come with me and let's talk to him. Please?"

"I can't. Not yet. I'm sorry, Belle, but I'm not ready for this whole 'family' thing. I know you want that, and I know you want to be my mother, but... I can't, Belle. I'm sorry. But you go, go talk to your husband and figure this all out. When you've got the answers you need, just call me. I'll be there."

"I don't need a dagger or something to summon you?" Belle tried to joke.

"No," Sam replied flatly. "I'm not the Dark One."

And with that, she disappeared yet again. Well, Regina wasn't wrong, she thought to herself. Her phone gave a quick buzz, and she looked to find a text from the mayor, indicating where she could find her husband. Belle sent a quick thank you and went on her way. She found him playing in the park with Roland and Robin. She didn't bother hiding the look in her eyes as she stepped into view. Rumple quickly excused himself and met her halfway.

"Belle? What's wrong, sweetheart?"

"We need to talk, Rumple," she told him, fighting back more tears. "Take us home, now." 

He nodded and whisked them back to their living room. It took only an instant for Belle to realize that all traces of Sam were gone. Her shoes by the door, her jacket that was usually on the sofa, and her pile of books by the bay window were all gone. She's been here. If Rumplestiltskin noticed, he didn't say anything about it. 

 "Belle?" he asked, drawing her attention back. "Sweetheart, what's going on?" 

 "I know, Rumple. I know about my daughter." 

 His stomach sank. He did not try to deny he knew what she meant, so he simply waited for her to speak her mind.

"Emma met her and recognized her. So she came to me and told me that she knew I didn't remember the Underworld and that she could help me get those memories back. I saw everything from the minute I first went down there to the second you gave me that potion."

"You remember drinking that?" He asked. She nodded firmly. "Then I have to ask you to really remember that day, Belle. Think." Belle conceded, closed her eyes and let the memory come to mind.

She saw their kitchen, Rumple making lunch at the stove top. He was fully dressed as usual, but she was still in her pajamas, no make-up, and hair askew. She did not eat the food he placed in front of her, pushing around her plate. He put down his own fork after a while and sighed. He told her that she needed to eat something, considering that she'd barely eaten for a week. She simply threw down her own fork in defeat. 

 "Give it to me, Rumple."

"Belle, are you -"

"I can't do this anymore. Please, just do this for me." He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small vial. Rumple pushed it across the table and Belle quickly grabbed it. She paused before drinking it and felt her husband's hand slip into her free hand. After a reassuring squeeze, she closed her eyes and drank the potion. Finally, she opened her eyes and smiled at her husband.

Belle's eyes fluttered open.

"I asked for this?" She asked, looking for confirmation. He nodded. "I don't understand, why would I let myself resort to magic?"

"Belle, these memories you've recovered - they are moments. Not feelings. You and I made that choice together, for the good of everyone with us in the Underworld and everyone we left back home. You agreed, with a hope that something like this might happen. That one day, we'd find her.... Belle, your memories aren't pure either. They're fragmented and missing parts. Emma and Regina couldn't make a perfect potion because they don't even know everything that happened. If you wanted your memories, you should have come to me, Belle."

"How could I, Rumple? I didn't even know what I was asking for..." Belle began to pout, not in a teasing way. Her chin quivered, her eyes watered, and her voice wavered. "I really want to be angry, Rumple. I just... I don't know who to be angry with. I mean, who is to blame here? Do we blame Emma and everyone else for dragging you down there? Do we blame Hades for bullying us into this position? Our friends for not fighting for us? Do we blame ourselves, Rumplestiltskin?"

"Belle, if you're going to blame someone, blame me. There isn't a day that I don't wish things had been different. I'm the Dark One! I should have done more, Belle. Have you heard the things Hades has told her about us? He has ingrained in her that her parents struggle with addiction, misplaced priorities and can't even keep their marriage together! Her words, Belle! Who are we kidding? That's not us, Belle, that's me. I was never meant to be a father again. It's my fault, Belle. Please...I'm sorry."

Rumple broke down, sobs wracking his body. The last time Belle saw him this way, she had just banished him across the town line. She knelt next to him on the hard floor and wrapped her arms around his quaking shoulders. 

"You blame Hades. You should always blame Hades for this." The Golds looked up to see Sam sitting on the top of the stairs, watching them. "What? You didn't hear me come in?"

Her parents allowed themselves a smile. At least she was making an effort to have a somewhat functional relationship.

"I know you guys have wanted this for a while. To have a family and to just be. No monsters, no villains, no curses. But you don't live in that world," she said as she descended towards them. "And I've told Belle, I'm not ready for that yet. Hades may have lied to me about a great many things, but those lies have pretty much made me who I am, unfortunately. It's going to take a lot to change my subconscious position on said matters. Fortunately, I know of something we can all do together that will greatly aid that process."

Rumplestiltskin and Belle looked up at the young woman, who hand come to stand over them. 

"And what might that be?" Rumple quipped. Sam's face remained stony, neither repulsed by her own idea nor savoring it. Still, a grin tugged at the edge of her lips.

"Why, destroy Hades, of course, dearie."

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