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By her ringtone, Thandi knows it's one of her friends calling. She has ringtones for everyone in her contact list so she can easily know who's calling before she answers so she can ignore without checking,lol,. She assumes it's Linda since she has not spoken to her other two friends in 2 months, since that disastrous lunch date. she quickly answers without checking her caller id, before the noise wakes up Les since it's 4 am.



The person on the other end screams and she removes her phone from her ear checking to see who's calling..

" are you okay,what's wrong"

"Tee,I know you're the last person.....motherfuuuuuuuu *she screams*....but i need you.....the baby is.......heavy breathing ahhhhh...."

"Ohk honey breathe I'm on my way"

She hangs up,shaking Lesego awake cause she needs her to drive her to Lelo's since place since she can't drive due to a fear she has,Lesego hates being woken up early in the morning,but she has no choice Lelo needs her. I wonder where Ben is though

"WHAt! This better be important"

"I'm sorry baby,I need you to drive me to Lelo's quickly, she's having her baby and she needs me"

"Doesn't she have a husband,why can't he drive her to the hospital. Damn Tee,you know I hate waking up at such hours,after I was out last night"

"I'm sorry baby, I know but i really need you know,here are your sweat pants,please"


She gets up,washes her face and brushes her teeth changes into her adidas sweat pants and sweater and the rush of to Lelo's,which is 30 minutes away but manage to get there in half the time.

Luckily there were no traffic officers on the road today. They get to the house to find Lelo on the couch,alone,doing the antenatal breathing exercises they were taught. Thandi and Lesego help her up out of the house and into the car,which takes them quite sometime since she stops with every contraction,which are coming at her fast,she has 3 strong contractions in 10 minutes interval each last for 2 minutes.

They get her to into the backseat of the car where Thandi had placed towels and plastic to protect the car seats. She sits in the back with her as Lesego drives of to the nearest hospital. They get to the hospital where Lesego rushes in to find a wheelchair,she finds one and the porter comes with her to help put Lelo on the chair ,they rush her inside the accident and emergency area whereby they're directed to the maternity ward,where she informs the nurses of Lelo's condtion.

She's put on a strectcher and examined,to find that her contractions are very strong and now lasting for less than a minute but her baby's heart rate is dropping and she's only 6cms dilated. They doctor is quickly called,she's prepared for the operating theatre. 20 minutes later she's wheeled into the operating room while Thandi and Lesego are sent to the waiting area. She's been trying to call Ben since they got here but he's not replying.

"How can he leave he's wife alone at home,knowing that she's in her last trimester and due any day. He's phone is off and no one knows where he is,his wife and child are in a critucal condition and we can't even reach him"

"Baby maybe he lost his phone. Maybe he's battery is dead and he lost track of time.He's probably still working in the office and just decide to work over night before he takes his leave"

"Baby he's his own boss,he doesn't need to work,he has managers and plenty of staff to get the work done while he's on parental leave,something is wrong here"

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