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It's been 3 days since,I last spoke to Les. She's been blowing up my phone,left hundreds of messages and voicemail messages. I haven't read any of them. I was over the fact that she invited Lisa over until I found out that she had made a move on Elle,my friend. I just can't believe the nerve of her,I thought she was different and legit but I guess that it just proves that you can never really know a person.

"Thandi,I'm going to the cafeteria can I bring you anything"

"Thanks Sid but I'm good"

"Ok............ Thandi?"

"Yes boo"

"Just wanted to say.....she didn't deserve you"

Thandi smiles and hugs Sid as Beyonce-Sorry echoes in her Scrubs. She answers the call,to find it is Les calling her asking her to come outside. She agrees. She informs Sid who tries to persuade her not to go but she says it has to be done.

She leaves for the parking lot to find Les leaning on her M8,while visitors and other staff member's stare and smile at her. She seems oblivious to all the attention and looks nervous. She's dressed in all back,she has a beenie and a black leather jacket,since it's a bit chilly with black jeans and army boots. Thandi smiles thinking of how sexy she looks and if she wasn't so mad at her she'd walk up and suck on those plump juicy lips.Thandi walks up to her and Les tries to give her a hug but she puts her palm out,stopping her.

"Oh...ok can we get in the car"

They hop in and stay silent for a while as Les thinks of what to say and how to say it. Thandi eventually starts speaking.

"Did you force yourself on Elle?"

"Whaat!... baby no,your friend threw herself on me and I might have kissed back but I stopped her as soon as I realised what I was doing. Not to use this as an excuse but I had just woken up in the middle of the night and was still sleepy,so my mind was a bit fuzzy. Trust me baby I'd never do that to you. She came on to me"

"Why didn't you tell me if that is how it happened"

"Baby,you had just made peace with her,I didn't want to cause anymore friction between the two of you,over a dumb kiss that meant nothing to me"

"I hear you Les and I believe you because I know what type of woman Elle what is it that you wanted to talk about"

"I wanted to apologise for Saturday,I never invited her. I might have mentioned the party to Linda while we were in Cape Town but not as an invitation. I'm sorry baby for hurting you like that"

"It's okay Les,just no more secrets. I hate it when people keep things from me,it's better to tell me,I'll get mad and get over it. So no more secrets"

"Yes baby,no more secrets......... Tee I...."

Les is cut of by Thandi's phone ringing. It's Sidney.She tells her to wait while she takes the call.

"Baby I got to go,we'll finish this conversation later. I have to rush back into the ward,one of my mothers is about to deliver. Love you"

They kiss,Thandi rushes off. Les exhales and drives off to check on Vanessa.

"You should apologise to your girl,not me Les"

"I did and all is forgiven"

"And I doubt that you told her that you slept with that thing"

"Uhm...I tried to but she called back into her ward before I could tell her"

"How convenient for you mmh!"

"Just give me a break and hug. I will tell her the truth later when I fetch her from work"

"You better,now leave I must get ready for my date"

"Going out with Rajesh"

"Yeah,who else"

"I don't know,thought you two were not on good terms"

"Well we're trying to fix things between us"

"That's good. He's a good guy,I like him. He's not like the guy's you usually go out with,douches and fuckboys"

"Yeah,now leave"

"Why are you kicking me out,it's like you don't want me to see Rajesh....that's if he's who you are really going out with....anyway bye. I got to go pick up my lady. See you Nessa"

"Bye cuz"....wheew that was close if Les knew that I was meeting with Salomi,she'd flip,she doesn't want anything to do with her family since they disowned her when she told them she loved women when they tried to arrange her marriage for her. She's dead to them and so are they to her" Vanessa thinks


Les is standing outside,smoking and leaning on her car waiting on Thandi. When Sidney walks out and passes her,mugging her as she walks towards her car.

"What's your problem"


"What!!..... You mad Tee chose me over you,you mad she went gay for me when you've been trying to get in her panties for so long and she's refused you,while it took me just a smile. Don't be jealous man,green is not your color"

"Tee is a good woman and you don't deserve her and I'll make sure she realises that one of these days."

"And who deserves her,you! Pheeew! Get outta' my face with that shit. Thandi loves me and she's all mine. Get over it little girl"

"She might have forgiven you this time but when she finds out the truth. I'll be here to comfort her and wipe her tears away"

Lesego looks at Sidney who's smiling like she knows something she doesn't. She knows that she wasn't at the party and is no friends woth Lisa so she couldn't possibley know about Cape Town. Thandi walks up to the before she can ask her what she knows and Sid walks off smiling which pisses Lesego off. She feels Thandis hands on her cheeks as she turns her head away from Sidney to face her and she softly kisses her on her lips.

"Are you okay,baby?"


"Well I asked you what you and Sid were talking about"

"Nothing important babe...are you ready to go?"

"Yeah but can we pass by MacDonalds,I haven't eaten all day and my tummy is rumbling"

"Anything for you my Nubian queen"

"Thanks baby,your the best.

They drive off,going to the nearest MacDonalds,getting big mac meals and driving off to Johannesburg Sandton.they arrive in Sandton around 10,They shower together,having a little shower sex before taking it to the bed. Where they make love.

"I know I should tell Tee about Cape Town but not today or tomorrow. I've missed my girl and I don't want to ruin our quality time with Lisa talk. I'm going to tell her when I take her home. Hopefuly she'll forgive me" Les thinks to herself


"Yes bunny"

"You up"



"What,you wanna go again"

Thandi nods yes

"Then say so..."

" let's go again" giggles

"Let me get my anaconda,cause you got buns hun. I love it when you're all shy for me. Now assume the position"

Ass up face down,that's how you tie your laces.

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