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Her alarm rings and she rolls over to turn it off and bumps into something or someone,she opens her eyes to find Lisa next to her! I can't believe I let it happen again,I was supposed to end our relationship not end up in her bed,naked,with her. She lays there as the rest of last night replays in her head........ They drive into Lisa's driveway and Lisa waits for her to open her door for her.

"Lisa where were you on Saturday?"

"I told you Les,I spent the weekend at home with my parents"

"Don't lie to me,where were you?"

"I'm not lying, I......" She's cut off by Les

"You're lying cause I saw you at the mall with that stud you work with,I think Neo( Tswana meaning gift) is her name and don't tell me it was a friendly lunch cause I saw everything and I know for a fact you've been seeing her for a while now"

"I'm sorry......"

"Save it Lisa I'm done with your trifling ways. It's over between us. I've given you chances after chances and all you do it's throw it all in my face and I can't do this anymore"

"Lesego no,you can't leave me,you love me and I love you"

"I might love you but you never loved me"

"Baby I swear I love you,always have and always will Neo was just a mistake and I never had sex with her,we just went out on dates and kissed once or twice" she says with tears trailing down her cheeks

"I can't be sure you didn't sleep with her. A mistake happens once,5 times is no longer a mistake it's what you wanted and you can have each other"

"Lesego,baby no,please forgive me. I swear I'll do better I'll stay away from her......remember our plans baby,plans for a family and marriage,you can't throw all that away"

most of her words are muffled by her hysterical sobbing

"You threw all that away,I'm all out of chances Lisa"

She look's at a hysterical Lisa,she grabs her under her arm and rubs her back,soothing her. Lesego hates to see a woman cry or anyone for that matter and hates it more when she's the cause of her tears,no matter how right she is at the moment,she can't help but feel sorry for Lisa,it's never easy breaking up with someone.

"I love you Lisa but you've played me for a fool for too long"

"I'm sorry Les,I promise it won't happen again"

Yeah right,I've heard that lie one too many times.

Lisa looks up at Lesego and they kiss.
They climb out of the car and go into Lisa's apartment,ripping each other's clothes off going up to Lisa's bed they make love.

Lesego gets off the bed and looks for her clothes while Lisa's sound asleep,she's a deep sleeper and Lesego doesn't feel to wake her up,she dressed and walks out the door,promising herself that she's never coming back.


Is at work doing doctors rounds,well her body is working but her mind is somewhere else....

I can't believe the nerve of Lesego,asking me out on a date while she's getting ready to go out on another and with her girlfriend. What does she think I am,I'm not the type to mess with anyone's partner,married or not,I don't want nobody's body.

"Thandi!, Sr. (Sister) Zungu,are you hearing what I just said?"

"Yes Dr.,you said to prepare her for a cesarian,she's been 2 cms dilated for 8 hours now,her Labour isn't progressing and you stopped the magnesium sulphate injections for Mrs. X,am I right and is that all Dr. Shaik"

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