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I come home to Thandi snuggled up in one of my big shirts, holding another pillow in her arms with her chin resting on it,guess she missed me. She snoring lightly,i guess it's not long ago that she fell asleep if she is still holding the pillow like that. I remove it from her chest and feel it's wet,could she have been crying?,but why? I decide to wake her up from her nap,hope she isn't mad cause i know she hates when her sleep is interrupted. She wakes up after I nudge her a few times,telling her I'm home,she opens her eyes and they look swollen,tired and red,now I know she's been crying and she cried her self to sleep,hope the twins are fine.

"Baby what's wrong,why were you crying?,what happened? Are the kids okay? Is your mom okay? Are your siblings okay? Are you okay?"

She relates to me what happened during her lunch date with her friends,I can't lie I'm pissed,not that they said what they said but that they said all that to her,they're supposed to be her friends and support her not judge her,from what she has told me she's always been there when they needed her no matter what and now that she needs them,they can't do the same for her.

But I warned her that people close to her would turn on her for being with me,for being with a woman,cor being gay. The world is not a safe place for us,worse in South Africa were we lesbians are raped and killed and our community does nothing about it. We might have rights and same sex marriage might be legal but we are still shunned upon in our communities by our own friends and family even outcasted.

Men find it okay to rape a lesbian to show her that she's a woman,corrective rape it's called. We are killed for loving another person. We may have rights but our community/society still has a long way to go before we are accepted but truthfully I doubt it will ever happen in our lifetime. I explain to her.

"Your friend's might change their minds one day or they may never accept you at all. I don't want to see you cry everytime someone says something about who you love,cause society is going to judge you Tee,they're going to say bad things about you,behind your back or to your face,cuss you out,threaten you because to them you're not 'normal'..... and worse they might even say evil things to your children. I don't want you coming home in tears each day because of the ignorant people out there,cause I hate to see you cry.
I need you to be sure baby,cause it won't be smooth sailing just like any other relationship but worse because people who don't know is or understand us will always judge us. I love you but I always want you to be happy,completely happy Tee and if a man can do that, I think it's best...."

She's silenced by Thandi placing her index finger on her lips for her not to continue.

"Shhhhh......... Les remember that day we had our first argument,i don't remember exactly what it was about but that day was one of the worst day's of my life and yesterday's lunch isn't anywhere in the list of the worst days of my life,yes I have a list*she laughs,as Les raises her eyebrows,questioning her*. ......

That day we were both mad for nothing,we had our argument I went home and you went home,I spent the rest of my day feeling miserable,I felt helpless,like I'd suddenly been struck by hemiplegia and the right side of my body couldn't the sun set I became worse, I wanted to call you and just say goodnight or text you but my pride wouldn't let me and I just told myself you would ignore me and there's nothing i hate more than being ignored. I went to bed that night,tossed and turned for most of the night,no matter how hard i tried i couldn't sleep knowing you were mad at me,suddenly I couldn't breathe,the pain in my heart interrupted my breathing and I literally started having difficulty in breathing,it felt like a panic attack but a love panic attack,something was terribly wrong and I had to call you.

As soon as I did that and I knew we were good,I slept with the drop of a hat. That's when i knew I was inlove, I never wanted to get married, I declined every man who asked and always had my reservations about marriage but that night I knew that I never wanted marriage because a husband wasn't good enough for me,a wife is what i needed and wanted.

Don't get me wrong,I still have some reservations about marriage but if it's a woman who's asking I'll gladly say yes,I knew that night that this is what has been missing from my life a female's touch. Since that day I knew nothing was the same..... so Les a man has never and will never make me happy,I'm in this for good or bad,for better or worse as long as I got you baby,I'm good baby....

I know it's not going to be easy and I'm used to mean,rude,jealous people,i can handle those cause franky i don't give a f-u-c-k about what people out there think,it just hurt a little that my own friends would say such things but it's all good,my family is accepting and Linda is understanding,Lelo and Elle can shove their opinions where the sun don't shine.....I got the best woman in the world. "

"Don't hate or abandon your friends babe"

"You haven't learnt anything about me in these past few weeks,baby-love I don't hate, that word doesn't exist in my vocab,I'll always be here when they need me and I got nothing but love for them but nothing will ever be as it was"

"Nothing was the same hey"


"Come here you Drake wanna be,kiss me"

"Before our time is run out"

"Stop,you play too much Tee"

"That's why you love me"

Thandi gets up on her knees on the bed,facing Lesego she gives her a peck on the lips and tries to get off the bed but Lesego has her arms wrapped around her waist preventing her from leaving,she pulls her face to hers,gripping her chin with her fingers she slides her tongue into Thandi's mouth,who sucks on it for a while, then wrestles her tongue with Lesego's,who pulls hers back after a second and lightly sucks on Thandi's,she smiles as they continue kissing with Lesego thinking of how she love's it when she smiles during a kiss and she always smiles,they kiss until Thandi pulls back.

"Baby I need to pee"

"Damn girl,you interrupt me for that,hold it in"

"No I've been holding it in long enough,I don't want no urinary infection"

"You're turning me off"


Thandi rushes to the bathroom leaving Lesego thinking to herself
"damn I think I'm inlove,no I know I'm inlove. I'm so glad she said she's all in cause honestly don't think i could live without her,in a short space of time,she's completely changed my life and I can't picture myself without her.I hope I can protect her from the real evil people of this world."

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