Chapter 17

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Maddie stood with her arms crossed over her chest. Her pink lips were pursed, and her icy blue eyes held a hint of sympathy in them.

She sighed, looking me in the eyes. "Where should I start?"

"The beginning." I spat, not daring to meet her cold eyes.

Taking a deep breath, she began. "In the beginning, I didn't have a problem with you. You were my sister's best friend, and that was that."

"Then why did you feel the need to start picking on me." I snapped.

"When I was nine," She started. "I got up one night to get a drink of water. When I reached the kitchen, I heard my parents talking. I was curious, so I started eavesdropping. After what I heard, I wish I didn't."

I rolled my eyes. "You gonna tell me, or..."

"Patience, sheesh." Maddie laughed.

"Just get on with the story."

She cleared her throat. "Well, they were talking about us—Mackenzie and me, to be more specific. Apparently, around a month before we were born, my real dad cheated on my mom."

My stomach dropped. "Oh, I'm so sorry, Maddie."

"And he left my mom for the woman, because she was pregnant," Maddie continued. "That tore my mom to shreds. She right away found someone else, which was the man who I thought was my father my entire life."

My hand went to my mouth. "Maddie that's horrible!"

Maddie's eyes turned cold, then. "I later found out that woman who was pregnant was your mom, Chloe. That baby was you."

My eyes opened wider than ever.

"If I was that baby, doesn't that mean you and I are-"

"Half sisters," Maddie finished. "Yup. You and I share half the same genes, Chloe. And Mackenzie."

My heart began to pound. I stared to sweat. My blood ran cold.

The girl who had given me a hard time for as long as I could remember, was my sister? I always claimed Mackenzie was like a sister to me, but she really was my sister.

"Does Mackenzie know?" I questioned, my heart still thumping a million miles an hour.

Maddie sighed, picking at one of her fingernails. "No. I didn't even tell mom I knew. I felt it was my duty as a sister to protect her from this terrible secret."

"You're seven and a half minutes older."

"Still," She said. "Mackenzie doesn't have to know."

I gulped. "But why did you feel the need to give me a hard time?"

"Well," She started. "I could never look at you the same after that. I felt this burning anger towards you when you came over. I felt that you had taken my father away from me.

"And when I found out your dad left, I took it as my golden opportunity. I overheard Mackenzie telling mom about your situation, and I spread it to the whole class. I felt it was revenge for what you had done, even though I know now it was never your fault."

Staring at Maddie, I gulped back the tears. "Do you feel bad about it at all?"

A little sob escaped Maddie's mouth. "Yes! You don't know how painful it's been, watching people pick and you and tear you down."

"Then why didn't you say anything!" I snapped, finally losing my patience.

Maddie sat there, sobbing more and more. I thought about giving in and forgiving her, but a part of me told me that she didn't deserve my forgiveness.

The tension was high. Her hair had fallen out of the bun, and her eye makeup was running down her face. She finally looked up at me, blue eyes full of remorse.

"Because I was so afraid of losing my reputation! People make me out to be this cold-hearted bitch, with no feelings whatsoever! Well guess what, I feel! I'm not cold hearted! Once I realized what exactly I was doing, it was too late, Chloe! I'm so sorry!" Maddie sobbed, dabbing her eyes with the sleeve of her top.

I didn't know how to handle this situation. What do you do, when the girl who's tormented your life for the past six years, sat in front of you, sobbing her pretty little eyes out.

I looked around the room awkwardly. I eventually went to the pantry, and pulled out a box of tissues. I placed them in front of her, and handed one out. "Here."

She sniffled, taking it from my grasp. She let a quiet 'thank you', and dabbed it under eyes.

After she calmed down, she stared me dead in the eyes. "Can you ever forgive me?"

I paused, contemplating my answer. Eventually, I came up with a decent one. "It's gonna take you a long ass time to get my forgiveness, Maddie. And if you do, I will never think of you as a good person ever again."

I walked down the jagged sidewalk. The hood on my jacket rested upon my head, for it was pouring with rain.

I was walking because I've always rather enjoyed the rain. It washes away everything bad that's ever happened.

Eventually, I made it back to the apartment. I walked up to my door, took off my hood, and opened the door.

Clara sat on the couch, fresh tears falling down her face. My heart dropped, and I ran over to my upset little sister.

Shel leaned her head onto my shoulder, and started sobbing rather loudly into it. I had heard quite a good amount of sobbing for one day.

She pulled away, wiping her tears with he long sleeve of her princess pajama top. "Where did you go? I've been alone all day."

I nodded. "I'm sorry. I had some things to take care of."

Clara nodded, her sun blonde locks bouncing with her.

"Alright, why don't you scurry off to bed." I told her, tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear.

She nodded, standing up, and going to our room.

I sighed, standing up and heading to the kitchen.

It was early; around eight thirty, and I still hadn't eaten dinner. I grabbed a frozen pizza from the freezer. I popped on the oven, prepared to wait ten minutes.

Just then, I heard a knock on the door. I got up from my seat in the kitchen, prepared to answer.

"Josh." I spoke, surprised her had shown up.

"Uh, hey," He replied, scratching the back of his neck. "Can I come in?"

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