5) Sirens

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Ethans POV:
Oh man. I really shouldn't have kissed Grays girl. I better go check on him. I mean, what he did was wrong but... His twin brother, his best friend had just kissed his girlfriend. God knows how he must be feeling.

I slowly walked to the mess that was his room and knocked on the pale, white door. I could still see the tape marks from when he duct taped me to the wall for hours. I miss him already and we've only been apart less than two hours.

There was no reply. "Grayson?" I said. "I'm sorry bup..." I continued. I turned the door handle anti-clockwise and entered the room.

He wasn't there. What? I walked towards the bathroom door in hope to find Grayson. I was clutching my phone in my hand worrying where he was.

He's been really depressed lately. Obviously, he acts super happy in front of the camera but as soon as we finish filming, he locks himself in his room. Every night, I go upstairs asking why he locks himself in his room all day long but he claims he's fine but nearly every night i hear him quietly sob to himself. I just want my bromie omie to be happy.

I'm over-reacting. Now i'm all sad about what i've just been thinking. CAN SOMEONE PASS ME A TISH?!

I'm sure he's fine. I'm right. I'm over-reacting.

I knocked on the door before attempting making my way in the bathroom. No reply. Again. I'm getting scared now.

I twisted the door handle several times. It's locked. Crap. "Grayson?" I whispered. For the third time. No answer. "GRAYSON!!" I shouted.

I'm getting really worried now. I turned the door handle a couple more times before kicking the door down.

I looked down to my feet and in my horror, lay my pale, lifeless twin brother on the bathroom floor with empty medical pills spread around him.

I froze in shock not doing anything. My eyes were fixed on my brothers face. How i wished to see him smile one more time. How i wish to hear him laugh one more time.

I snapped out of my freeze position and started panicking. Before I knew it, sobs were coming out of my mouth. Tears were rolling down my face.

I took my phone out. I dialled 911 into the keypad. "QUICK.. Br...bring an ambulance QUICK... My brotherr.. I th...think... He.. He's dead."

"MAYA! COME QUICK ITS GRAYSON!" I shouted to Maya who was in my room. I'm not sure whether she can understand what i'm saying because all i can hear is my sobs and my trembles.

She rushed in. Her ponytail swishing from side to side as she ran into the bathroom. I'm not lying. She is gorgeous. But I have A LOT more things to worry about.

As soon as she saw Grays limp body lying on the floor a gasp let out of her mouth.

Before she could say anything, paramedics came rushing in, carrying my twin brothers body on a stretcher, hooked up to loads of life machines and rushed away into the ambulance.

Everything is happening so fast. I'm sitting at the back of an ambulance. What felt like seconds ago, I was just discovering my brothers body on his bathroom floor.

I'm sorry Grayson. Oh how i'd do anything for you to open your eyes.

I'm sorry for the pranks, for the fights we've had, i'm sorry for kissing your girlfriend... Thats all I can say.

I'm sorry bup.

Okay so... emotional😖💔 Long chapterrr

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