I Feel Lucky Every Day I Spend With You - Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Megan’s POV

Whenever you are dreading something, time always seems to pass quickly. That is what happened on Saturday. Time seemed to fly by and soon enough I was leaving the house and walking towards the pier.

I saw him as soon as arrived. He sat on a bench looking out towards the dark water, waves crashing against the pebbles. He wore sandy coloured trousers that hung low on his hips and a baggy grey hoody, a scarf hung limply around his neck. I sat down next to him and looked out towards the horizon. When he finally spoke his voice was husky,

“I’m sorry.” That was all he said. How was I meant to respond to that?

“It wasn’t you fault.” Was the response I settled on.

“Yeah it was. I shouldn’t have put you in that position. I mean I have a girlfriend, it was wrong of me.”

“Liam, its ok. I won’t tell anyone. We can just forget it.”

“But that’s the thing Megan, I’m not sure I want to forget it.” My head whipped round so I was facing him. What did he mean by that? I was just about to ask when I heard footsteps behind us,

“Liam! Hey babe.” Jenny said, flinging her hands around his neck.

“Hey.” He said in a monotone voice.

“Are you alright?” she asked, worry covering her face.

“Yeah, I’m just not feeling very well. Do you want to go for a walk?”

“Yeah sure.” Jenny said, pulling Liam up as he slipped his arm round her waste, “She you later Megan.” She called as they sloped off.

The others arrived soon after Jenny and Liam walked off. We messed about on the Pier before getting some chips and making our way to the carnival. We spent hours going round the stalls and going on the rides. We went on the bumper cars at least ten times. The evening was great and it took my mind off Liam. We ended the night by going to Luke’s house.

The night was great, I felt like I had known these guys all my life. We had such a laugh together and I couldn’t imagine my life without them.

The weekend passed slowly, with no word from Liam. I was still confused about what he had said on Saturday, the thing is Megan, I’m not sure if I want to forget it. The words kept replaying in my mind but I still wasn’t sure what he meant.

When Monday morning came I was so nervous I felt sick. I skipped breakfast and sulked my way down the street. I paused when I saw Liam leaning against his garden wall. He was wearing a tight white t-shirt that emphasised his toned body, over which he wore a button up blue shirt which was undone. His hair flopped over his eyes, instead of being styled up into his normal quiff. He looked gorgeous, as normal.

However, the closer I got I realised how tired he looked. His eyes were red rimmed and surrounded by dark circles. He looked like he hadn’t slept in weeks.

“Hey” He mumbled. He definitely wasn’t his normal jollied self. I tugged on his sleeve so he stopped walking and faced me,

“Liam, what’s wrong?” Worry filling my voice.

“Nothing.” He muttered.

“Something is obviously wrong. Lets just sit down and you can tell me. You’ll feel better, I promise.” I smiled reassuringly.

“We’ll be late for school.”

“I don’t care, this is more important.” I said dragging him to the bench and pushing him don’t into it. He couldn’t hide the smile forming on his lips as I did so. “So what happened?”

“Yesterday I was going round to Jenny’s house,” My throat tightened at the mention of Jenny’s name, “It was meant to be a surprise as things haven’t been going so well recently. I thought I would give it one more try. However, when I got there…” He paused, obviously angry. “She was in bed with some other guy!” He spat, furry clear in his eyes.

“I am so sorry.” I whispered, slipping my arms round him and pulling him into a hug.

“It’s ok. I knew things were going to end soon; they had been going downhill for a while. I never expected her to cheat on my though. I don’t understand why she just didn’t tell me she wanted to break up.” He jaw clenched and his face was cold.

“It’s going to be alright. She didn’t deserve you. You deserve someone who loves you and would never take you for granted, someone who feels lucky every day they are with you, someone who truly loves you” I tried to smile but he just looked so upset. “Please don’t be upset. Soon you won’t even remember her name and you’ll meet someone even better.” I continued.

“What happens if I’ve already met someone better?” He whispered so quietly I wasn’t sure if I was meant to here.

“That’s great then!”

“The thing is, I’m not upset. Sure, when I first found out I was but now all I feel towards her is anger. In fact, I feel relieved that it is over.” I smiled at him, as he turned to face me his expression serious. “All this is thanks to you Megan.”

“No problem, if you ever need to talk, just ask me.” I smiled.

“That’s not what I meant. I mean the reason I don’t care that Jenny cheated on me is because of you. You are the someone better.” He whispered smiling at me. My mouth fell open and I couldn’t hide my surprise. Did he mean he liked me?

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