I Feel Lucky Every Day I Spend With You - Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

By Monday everyone, including Jenny knew we were dating. Grace, Luke, Ben, Liam and I walked into the common room and everyone stared at us, girls giving me jealous death glares. I don’t understand why they cared so much; this was between Liam and me, no one else.

Liam leaned towards me and pressed his lips to the side of my head, after whispering,

“Ignore them.” I smiled, and did my best to do what he said.

I turned as I heard the door swing open, Jenny walked in. Her eyes were red rimmed and shadows circled them, she looked like Liam when they had just broken up. People whispered around the room as she walked towards us.

“Liam, I need to speak to you.” She muttered, he cheeks flushing as she felt eyes burning into her back.

“I have nothing left to say to you.” He growled, angrily. His hand tightening on mine.

“Please.” She mumbled.

“Jenny you cheated on me, what else is there to say?” Liam suddenly shouted, making the whole room go silent. Every single pair of eyes was no on us.

“Liam, please just give me two minutes of your time! Before that we spent a year together, doesn’t that mean anything to you? I know what I did was wrong but what you did wasn’t much better, you moved on the within a week, did I really mean that little to you?”

“What I did was nothing compared to what you did! Yeah maybe I moved on quickly, but at least I didn’t move on while we were still together. And of course you meant a lot to me but every feeling I had for you disappeared the moment I found you in bed with someone else.” Liam growled anger clear in his eyes.

“Liam, this will be the last thing I ask you for. Please, I really need to talk to you.”

“Fine.” Liam gave in, his grip loosening on me. “I’ll see you in maths.” He whispered, smiling, but it didn’t reach his eyes. I nodded and watched as they walked off.

Liam’s POV

I followed Jenny out to the empty courtyard.

“Let’s sit.” She mumbled.

“I’d rather stand.” I muttered. She looked tired and looked down at her feet when she spoke.

“I know I am the last person you want to be talking to, and I truly am sorry for what happened. I regretted it every day since but I know that doesn’t matter now.”

“Yeah it doesn’t, so just get to the point.” I muttered, I really couldn’t be bothered with her excuses.

“I really don’t know how to say this and please don’t hate me, but I’m pregnant Liam, and it’s yours.” She finally looked up at me and I couldn’t help but let my mouth drop open. My breath caught in my throat and I couldn’t breathe. It felt like everything was still moving but I was stuck here in this moment. My world was crashing down around me and I couldn’t do anything about it. I was trapped in this nightmare and if only I could pinch myself I would wake up, but I couldn’t move and I knew even if I could I wouldn’t wake up. Everything was too perfect and I knew something would go wrong soon but I never expected this, I was eighteen and too young to be a father. A father. The words kept replying in my head.

“Are you sure it’s mine?” I finally managed to splutter.

“Yes, I went to the doctor.” She seemed so calm as she said it. How could she be so calm? Did she not realise how hard this was going to be? Did she not realise this would change our lives forever?

“I know this is big. I know it will take time to process, so I guess I will leave you and call you later.” She murmured.

“Ok.” I whispered as she turned around and walked away and left me standing there, never feeling more confused. And that when I remembered, Megan. My breaths became short and sharp. What was I going to do? I knew I was falling for her and she was perfect. How could I hurt her, like I knew I was going to have to? When I asked her out, the one thing I promised would not do was hurt her and now I was going to have to.

I finally managed to walk, my legs felt like jelly and my knees were shaking. I didn't know how I should feel.

I walked back towards the common room but as soon as I saw her standing there, just chatting to Luke, Grace and Ben, I knew I couldn’t do it. I slipped round the back of the school and ran out the school gate, my heart still thumping.

I slammed the door shut and slid down the side. What was I going to do now?

“Liam?” I glanced up and saw my mum. Shit, I forgot she would be here, she doesn’t work on Mondays. “Honey, what’s wrong?” She looked worried as I slowly got to my feet and led her to the kitchen, I pointed to a chair. She sat down, her eyes never leaving mine.

“I am so sorry mum. I never thought this was happen. I don’t know what to do; I mean what can I do? I can’t change what has happened. If I could go back, I would. I wouldn’t have done it, but I have now and I wish I hadn’t. If only I hadn’t. My life could have been different. It was going to be different. I wanted to make you proud mum, but now I’ve gone and messed it up. I’m just so sorry mum…” I trailed of.

“Liam, what is going on? You are scaring me.” She whispered, taking my hand in hers.

“She’s pregnant mum.” Her eyes grew wide and her mouth dropped open, a single tear falling down her cheek. I couldn’t watch her crying so I dropped my gaze to my feet.

“Megan?” She finally managed to whisper.

“Jenny.” I stuttered, my voice cracking. I pulled my hands up to my face as I felt the tears finally escape my eyes.

She placed her hand under my chin and pulled my head up so I looked into her eyes,

“Liam I am disappointed but you don’t have to worry. I will be here for you every step of the way. You won’t be going through this alone; I would never let you go through this alone. Yeah, I hoped things would be different for you. You know how hard it was for me having you at eighteen but Jenny’s already better off than me, because she has you, and you have to make sure she knows she is not going through this alone, because the worse feeling in the world is being young and scared and thinking you’ll have to go through the whole thing alone.”

“I will. I promise mum. I’ll be there for her.”

“Does Megan know?”

“No.” I muttered as a new batch of tears streamed down my face. Mum reached up and brushed my cheeks clean.

“You know you have to tell her?”

“Yeah, but how? How am I meant to tell the girl I’m in love with that I got another girl pregnant?”

“You really love her, huh?”

“Yeah, I’ve never felt like this about anyone but I know what I have to do, I just don’t know if I can.”

“You can do it. You are so strong and you’re going to get through this and when you hold your beautiful son or daughter for the first time, all the pain you went through, all the heartbreak, all of it will be worth it. I promise you.”

AN: So that was the bombshell. I know its cheesy but whatever.. Anyway hope you guys like it. Please comment or vote :)

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