This isn't an Author's Note. (Alternatively titled: Holy fuckaroni)

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Holy fuck. Okay. So, I've been tagged by Frankie (heroineslow) to do this tag thing. But I promise, I'll sandwich it between two new chapters and you'll hardly even notice it.

1. Your favourite song?

Fuck me if I have one.

2. Your least favourite song?

The one by Meghan Trainor. You know the one I'm talking about. The one with the annoying sound and stupid lyrics. Oh –wait. That's all of them.

3. A song that makes you happy?

(No judging me – it's against the rules.) Epic Rap Battles of History: Hannibal Lector vs Jack the Ripper.

4. A song that makes you sad?

The Light Behind Your Eyes – My Chemical Romance.

5. A song that reminds you of someone?

Mama - My Chemical Romance.

6. A song that reminds you of somewhere?

(no judging, remember?) Willy Bum Bum – Fuck knows.

7. A song that reminds you of a certain event?

Car Radio – Twenty One Pilots.

8. A song you know all the words to?

Mr Brightside – The Killers. (Who doesn't, honestly.)

9. A song you can dance to?

Pretty Fly for a White Guy – The Outcasts.

10. A song that makes you fall asleep (or just a song you can fall asleep to?)

I grew up living next to a train station so when I sleep, I pretty much block out sound completely. Which means I can sleep to anything.

11. A song from your favourite band?

Anonymous – Mindless Self Indulgence.

12. A song from a band you hate?

Have you ever heard anything by Nickelback?

13. A song that reminds you of someone you hate?

I Hate Everything About You – Three Days Grace.
(we were dating when he introduced me to the band – yeah.)

14. A song that no one expects you to love.

Love Yourself – Justin Bieber. (Yes, okay. Shut up.)

15. A song that describes you?

Issues - Mindless Self Indulgence

16. A song that you used to love but now hate?

BBC Sherlock theme song is my alarm tone.
It physically pains me.

17. A song you hear often on the radio?

I... don't really. Stressed Out, I guess. Stressed Out is there a lot.

18. A song you wish you heard on the radio?

Anything by MCR. Lmao.

19. A song from your favourite album?

Dead – My Chemical Romance. (The Black Parade.)

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