Totally Not an Author's Note. (Alternatively titled: Something Creative.)

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Sometimes I get tagged to do things by my internet friends and I always wanna incorporate them as a blog post by Mikey or whatever but I never do. Anyway, this one has rules and shit. So thank you to the dearest lights_and_sounds

Here are the 13 facts: (Plus 1 because fuck you)

1. I have two toothbrushes: one is blue and the other one is purple.

2. I only use green toothpaste - I don't know why.

3. I recently got a new dog - his name is Jaime and I liked him for the first week but I kinda wanna kick him now.

4. I have a habit of flirting with my English teacher apparently???

5. Shhhhhh because I'm working on a secret project to start posting after UOW.

6. I hate the new Instagram update omg ( @/bren_winchester )

7. I like "Cake by the Ocean" more than I like my best friend.

8. My favourite animals ever are baby leeeons. (Lion cubs - for those of you new to the internet)

9. I put off everything I do in favour of cleaning, but not just cleaning - spring cleaning. Scrubbing the walls of my bedroom with a nail brush.

10. I've been really busy because I'm in the school musical and the one act play and I'm writing our inter-house play not to mention next year's one-act play.

11. Trying really hard to create a set updating schedule.

12. The book I'm writing currently (It's called Tomato Soup - I'll post it in a while) is Frerard and the Gerard in it is too much like me what.

13. I get compared to Tony Stark a lot and at first I was insulted but a while ago I heard myself speaking and I was like - omg.

14. I have no regard for you or your stupid rules.

And now for the tagging of 15 people:





just-dandy (i thought it was Just Daddy for a second and i almost lost my shit.)





callmebrendon (funnily enough their name actually isn't Brendon. Whoops.)





(And the most emo username goes to:) OvercastRaven

I scrolled so far down my notifications for this oops.

And now, prepare yourselves because CHAPTER SANDWICH.

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