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1. Will you be OK with me hanging out with you and your friends?

What friends? If I had any, I'm sure I wouldn't mind.

2. If you could change something about your life, what would it be?

Who I am.

3. Have you ever taken dancing classes? Do you like to dance?

I did ballet for a couple years. I loved ballet. Not dancing, just watching.

4. Do you think it is important to learn any form of a performing art?

I think it's important to learn to express yourself. And if performing art is the only way to do that, then it's very important.

5. If you have three wishes, what do would you wish for?

"There's always that one guy who wishes for more wishes." Hahaha that's me.

1. Beauty

2. Money

3. Talent

6. What do you like most about you?

Uh? I? um. I manage to get out of bed most days.

7. If you could have a superpower, what would be your superpower?

I'd like to be able to read minds (selectively. Because I don't want to know about your sex life. You kinky son of a bitch.)

8. Who has been the most influential person for you so far in life?

Everybody I come into contact with had influenced my life a tiny bit. Like, that girl who told me I'm pretty? She changed my life. That group of boys who giggled at me last week? Changed my life. But, uh, there isn't just one person. I think everybody's made a joined effort and, well, somehow I've become the cocky asshole I am today.

9. Is there a movie that makes you cry no matter how many times you watch it?


10. If you could change one thing about yourself physically, what would it be?

I would quite enjoy being made entirely of gum because then I could be stretched and also I would stick on peoples shoes and be stepped into the floor all the time.

11. What is the best advice you ever received?

Don't eat yellow snow.

12. What will you have accomplished at work/school one year from now?

I will have successfully made a hundred more enemies. Written a play too. Made my principal know my name and hate the way it sounds in his mouth.

13. If you could go on a road trip where would you go?

My boyfriend stays in Durban. The sea is in Durban. There are cute doggos in Durban. Where do you think I wanna go?

France, of course.

14. What is the best part about family life?

Holding your child to your chest and humming lullabies so that they can feel the vibrations through your chest. Watching them "help daddy fall asleep" by humming the same song you hum them. Tucking them into bed and reminding them that they are the ruler of the universe.

Midnight tea parties with the love of your life when they can't sleep. Holding hands and running your thumb over their knuckles. Taking polaroid pictures of them when they think you're not looking. Ballroom dancing in the kitchen because we can. Pancakes and staying in bed on Sundays.

Going to your brother's wedding and getting to tell his bride that she's the second luckiest girl in the world. (nudging in the direction of your brother and saying "Right after Samantha, over here.") Babysitting his kids and enjoying them to the fullest.

Buying your mother a shirt that says "world's best grandma" to announce you're having a baby.

15. What is a favourite memory you have of being with your family?

One night my brother and I watched movies until he fell asleep and he complained through all of them but he told me stupid jokes and we wrestled and I tickled him.

16. Tell me something you like about me.

Uh. I. You're a. You're. Marvellous.

17. What are your thoughts right now about spending the rest of your life with just one partner?

That sounds great, honestly.

18. Did you ever want to kill someone?

Many, many times.

19. Have you ever wanted something really bad and then later, not so much?

Yes. Sometimes I would really like to answer these questions other times (like when I get a question like this) not so much.

20. Is there anything I could do to make you think I am a bad person?

Yes. You're automatically a bad person from the moment we meet. There are no good people. Only bad ones who do good things.

21. What would you do without electricity for 3 days?


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