I think these were questions from a dating site.

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1. What do you see yourself doing with your life in 5 years, 10 years?

"What are you going to do with your life?" Hahaha. Um. Writing hopefully, somewhere cold and miserable where my only source of heat is the person in the next room. Or, more likely, a prostitute. Whoops.

2. Have you had an experience you would say has impacted the direction of your life?

When I was 8, I was told to write a paragraph about Red Riding Hood. But I couldn't remember whether a paragraph meant I could write more than one sentence on a line or not so I came up with a plan: I wrote every sentence to reach the end of the line. I got 100% for it. It was in that exact moment I decided I was going to become a writer.

3. Have you had to make an important decision that affected the direction of your life?


4. Are there people you don't like? Are there people that don't like you?

There are many, many people I do not like. Even more that don't like me. I'm an asshole.

5. Where do you consider good places for a couple to be romantic?

;))) in the bedroom.

Everywhere, really. A parking lot is a romantic place. Throw out a blanket and buy me a milkshake and we're all good. Quote Shakespeare while we play paintball. Follow your dreams.

6. What has been an embarrassing moment for you?

That embarrassing moment between birth and death.

7. Are you ever bored?

No. I've never been bored before in the entirety of my life.

8. What are good leisure activities a family should try to do together?

Eat. That's it. Quite frankly, I try to stay away from my family as much as possible. Not counting my younger brother or my step sister. My step brother can take a long run off a short cliff.

9. Are you okay that I still might have some feelings for my Ex?

Um. Yeah, whatever. Uh. I... don't know what this has to do with me?

10. What is your definition of emotional intimacy?

If I've let you touch me while I cried then you've pretty much seen me naked.

11. What do you think of this expression: Where there was fire, ashes remain.

Passion/Love = scarring when it's over.

12. What sort of future financial plans/goals do you have?

I wish to be able to afford my own medical aid.

13. What is your biggest goal in life?

Currently? I'd like to publish a book. That would be great.

14. What is your favorite book/author?

Hey, babe? What's your book's name?

15. Describe yourself in 3 words.

Too Rebellious 4 you.

16. Tell me your 3 weaknesses.

1. My boyfriend.

2. Leo

3. leorussell

17. Who is your hero, do you have more than one?

"Whether I shall turn out to be the hero of my own life, or whether that station will be held by anybody else, these pages must show." – Charles Dickens.

18. What are the most important things in life?

Marvel movies.  Happiness, I guess. Everything revolves around whether you're happy and at peace.

19. What questions would you like me to answer?

All of them.

20. What are your bad/good habits?

I have no good habits. Bad habits include:
- Thinking of sex instead of studying.
- Winking at women when they're nice to me.
- Joking about drugs.
- Changing the subject when emotions come up.
- Telling my mother about memes.
21. What are your point of view of the world? Liberal/conservative, spiritual/atheist

Liberal, I guess. Atheist. Whoops.

Because Leo enjoys chapter sandwiches. I'll finish off the next chapter and post it tomorrow. 

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